
   English Italian
Google | Forvo | +
gen. questa; questo
| Decision
bank. decreto; risoluzione
econ. decisione; decisione
| shall
geogr. engl. Shan
gen. skal
| enter into force
 enter into force
law entrare in vigore
| on
earth.sc. el. acceso
| provided
gen. purché
| that
gen. che
| all
gen. tutto
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| notifications
environ. notifica
| under
gen. sotto
| Article
fin. statuto
103 | of
gen. di
| t
tech. 1 tonnellata
- only individual words found

to phrases
this [ðɪs]
gen. questa; questo
 English thesaurus
this [ðɪs] abbr.
abbr. ts (Vosoni)
inet. +1 (Censonis)
THIS [ðɪs] abbr.
abbr. Terrace Food Group, Inc.
This [ðɪs] abbr.
abbr., busin. trustee
This Decision shall enter into force on , provided that all the notifications under Article 103 of: 1 phrase in 1 subject