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SG abbr.
abbr. Salary Grade; Sangho; Study Group; Screen Grid; SubGroup; structural glass; swamp glider; single-groove (insul); Stud Guy; seaman gunner; steel gage; steel gauge; super-group; seed generation
abbr., amer. Surgeon General
abbr., anim.husb. sterol glyceride; Society of Genetics (China); sterol gluceride
abbr., auto. signal group; sensor ground; signal ground
abbr., avia. snowgrains; specific goal; safety gyroscope; sinusoidal generator; slaved gyro; snap gauge; space gyro; start generator; stroke generator; switchgear block; specific gravity adjustment; synchrogenerator
abbr., BrE Scots Guards
abbr., busin. safeguards; steel girder
abbr., chem., scient. Seaborgium
abbr., commer. sans garantie
abbr., commun. Signalling Gateway
abbr., dril. show of gas (gas in mud or cuttings)
abbr., earth.sc. sandgrass andesite; satellite generator; semigeostrophic; shunk-on grip tool joint; single grid method; spring range of tide; superconducting gravimeter; Survey of Ghana
abbr., EBRD Secretary General
abbr., ed., scient. Study Guide
abbr., el. scanning gate; Schottky gate; shunting Grossberg (network); semiconductor grade; sensor glove; signal gate (circuit); signaling gateway; silica glass; silicate glass; silicon gate; silver glass; single-graded; specification of gases; spin glass; step-graded collector (structure); stereographics; switched gain; system gain; system generation
abbr., electr.eng. synchronous generator
abbr., fr. St. Gallen ((нем. Sankt Gallen, или St. Gallen, Saint-Gall) — кантон Швейцарии. Санкт-Галлен расположен на северо-востоке Швейцарии. Столица — город Санкт-Галлен. 'More)
abbr., goldmin. specific gravity (MichaelBurov)
abbr., health., med. Swan-Ganz
abbr., inet. Shy Guy; So Great
abbr., insur. Salutis gratia
abbr., IT Second Generation; symbol generator; set gate
abbr., Makarov. spheroidal graphite
abbr., mech.eng. single gear
abbr., med. Skin Graft; Sacks-Georgi test; serum globulins; substantia gelatinosa
abbr., media. Standard Grade
abbr., mil. South Gate; Special Grade (qwarty); steering group; strike group; supergroup; surgeon general; Sea Going; Special Group; Standing Group; shell gun
abbr., mil., avia. sawtooth generator
abbr., nautic. service group; ship and goods
abbr., nautic., scient. Sea Grant
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. security group
abbr., oil shear strength; surface geology; shows of gas; gas solubility; safety gate; sand and gravel; sandy gravel; scleroglucan; sealing groove; secure geometry; sesbania gum; sheil gauge; shrunk-on grip tool joint; silicic gel; single groove; soluble gelatin; solution growth; solution-gas drive; sour gas (service); steam generator; strain gauge; subgraywacke; summer gasoline; super gather; surge gradient; sweep generator; swing gate; synthesis gas
abbr., oncol. Salivary Gland Carcinoma
abbr., pest.contr. water soluble granules
abbr., pharm. sulfaguanidine
abbr., phys., scient. Specific Gravity
abbr., physiol., med. Stern Gerlach
abbr., polit. Singapore
abbr., polym. screw gauge; sheet gauge; senior-grade; spark gap; specific gravity; standard gauge
abbr., product. Steering Group (MichaelBurov); sales gas (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., progr. setting group (группа настроек ssn)
abbr., radio screening grid
abbr., scottish Sorties Generated; Squadron Group (UK)
abbr., soil. single-grain structure
abbr., space spheroidal-graphite; super group
abbr., sport, bask. shooting guard
abbr., sport. Sega Game; Super G
abbr., tech. Synthetic Gas, Syngas (Gasification Technology Conference ArigaB)
abbr., textile Shipping Guild
abbr., tradem. Savage Garden
abbr., UN, account. Scheduling Office
energ.ind., abbr. radiation source; safeguard; safety group; screw gage; second-generation; secondary gas; sheet gage; siting guidelines; slag granulation; spacer grid; standard gage
meteorol., abbr. snow grains
mil. shell, gun
mil., abbr. safety guide; screening group; security guard; senior grade; smoke generator; standardization group; subgroup; sunset gun; support group; surgeon
polit., abbr. Senegal
tech., abbr. Shuttle glow; screw gear; signal; signal generator; standard guidelines; steam gage
tradem., abbr. Singer
Игорь Миг, abbr., polit. Secretary-General (ООН)
Sg abbr.
abbr. gas saturation; ships and goods
abbr., chem. seaborgium (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil surface area of grains
lat. Song of Solomon
med. Serum Globin (iwona)
O&G Gas Saturation (tat-konovalova)
sg abbr.
abbr. signature
abbr., busin. signed
abbr., med. sign
biol. specific gravity
cartogr. sand-gravel
sg. abbr.
abbr. signature
abbr., econ. signed
SG% abbr.
abbr., sport. percentage of goals from total shots
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects