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SCM abbr.
comp., MS Gestione controllo servizi (A server capable of manipulating (i.e. starting and stopping) services remotely on other machines); modulo di controllo del sistema (The power supply that controls powering up the computer motherboard and all other devices that require power in the system. The SCM operates at all times when the system is plugged into an electrical outlet)
 English thesaurus
SCM abbr.
abbr. sub carrier multiplexing; Senshi Card Mania; Service Control Manager; Standard Cubic Meter; Supplier Chain Management; Supply Chain Management; ScreenCam Format (Lotus); Segment Control Module; Shalom Center Ministry; Simulated Cache Manager; Skinned Character Model; Small Core Memory; Smith Corona Machines; Solid Collected Milk; Solid Color Mare; Special Cut Machine; State Certified Midwife; Street Corner Music; subsidies and countervailing measures (Lavrov)
abbr., anim.husb. solids-corrected milk
abbr., auto. seat control module; solenoid control module
abbr., avia. static clutter map; selected coding method; selected communication mode; service circuit module; signal conditioner module; simplified configuration management; stabilizer control module; system certification matrix; service command module; simple configuration management; single chip microcomputer; single crystal material; single crystal metal; software change memorandum; specific change memorandum; speed control module; steam control room; streamline curvature method; subsystem configuration management; subsystem configuration monitor; supersonic cruise and maneuver; system configuration monitor; Stock Control Message (Alexey Lebedev)
abbr., BrE Stamp Cancelling Machine
abbr., busin. Supply Chain Management (paseal)
abbr., clin.trial. stepwise covariate modeling (peuplier_8)
abbr., CNC single chip microprocessor
abbr., commun. subcarrier multiplex
abbr., comp., MS Service Control Manager (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., comp., net. software configuration management; Synchronous Coherent Memory
abbr., earth.sc. seasonal concentrating mill; seasonal cycle model; segmented-curve method; single crystal meteorite; soil conductivity measurement; split coefficient matrix method; stiff concrete mix; structural control measures; successive correction method
abbr., ed., scient. Student Christian Movement
abbr., el. scanning capacitance microscope; scanning cathodoluminescence microscopy; select clock mode; select coding method; semiconductor contract manufacturing service; service call management; service circuits module; short-channel MOSFET process; signal conditioning module; simulated command module; single carrier modulation; single-carrier multiplication; single channel modem; single channel monitoring; single-chip microcomputer; solar cell module; source code manager; standardized control module; state change management; stratified charge memory; subcarrier modulation; subcarrier multiplexing (technique); subchannel matching; subjective comparison method; subscriber converter module; Super Conductor Materials Inc.; suppressed carrier modulation; surface-charge method; switch control module; system controller module
abbr., el., scient. Scanning capacitance microscopy; Single Chip Module
abbr., energ.ind. supervisory control master SCM (IgBar)
abbr., file.ext. Smith Corona Merchant; Station Class Mark
abbr., fin. small capital market
abbr., immunol. spleen-conditioned medium
abbr., IT Supply chain management; Lotus ScreenCam Movie; Scheme language source code file; Service Class Mark; scratch-pad memory; System Control Module
abbr., karate. stratospheric circulation model
abbr., libr. Subject Cataloging Manual
abbr., logist. Shipping Carton Marking; supply chain management (ssn)
abbr., med. Schwann Cell Membrane; Society For Cardiovascular Management; Society Of Computer Medicine; Spleen Cell-conditioned Medium; Streptococcal Cell Membrane; Subclavius Muscle
abbr., media. Studio Control Monitor
abbr., met. surface conditioning mill
abbr., mil. security countermeasure; Service container manager; Software Configuration Management; Software Cost Model; Summary Court Martial
abbr., mil., air.def. single chip Micyoco
abbr., mil., avia. scratch pad memory
abbr., nautic., scient. Single Column Model
abbr., O&G SCM Division, Supply-Chain Management Division (ТНК-BP ernst_ilin)
abbr., O&G, casp. subsea control module (raf)
abbr., O&G, sakh. subcontract manager
abbr., O&G. tech. subsea control module (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil seepage control material; station control module; steel catenary mooring; subsea completion manifold; subsidies and anti-dumping measures; standard cubic meter
abbr., op.syst. Service Control Manager (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., opt. scanning capacitance microscopy
abbr., phys., scient. Surface Complexation Model
abbr., physiol. SternoCleidomastoid-Muscle
abbr., progr. source code management (ElenaStPb)
abbr., scottish Smart Coupling Mechanism; Surface Contamination Module
abbr., sec.sys., IT Secure Console Management
abbr., space single-chip microprocessor; single-crystal material [metal]; small cord memory; spacecraft materials; spoiler control module; supersonic cruise missile; switch control messages
abbr., st.exch. SwissCom
abbr., tech. screw shaft conditions monitoring; Screwshaft condition monitoring
abbr., tradem. Siam Capital Management
abbr., transp. Shipping Container Marking
comp. solar constant monitor
mil. security countermeasures; self-contained munitions; site configuration message; special court-martial; specification change memorandum; strategic concepts memorandum; strategic cruise missile; surgical countermeasures
tech. sections communication manager; simulated core mockup; simulated core model; source control management; steam condensing mode
Scm abbr.
abbr. standard cubic meters
SCm abbr.
abbr., soil. mollic solonchak
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
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