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pride [praɪd] n
gen. orgoglio m
 English thesaurus
PRIDE [praɪd] abbr.
abbr. Parent Resource Institute For Drug Education; Parents Resource Institute For Drug Education; People Recognizing Individual Differences Equally; Personal Responsibility In A Desirable Environment; Personal Responsibility In Daily Effort; Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence; Product Resource Investment Deployment And Evaluation; Parent Resource In Drug Education; Parent's Resource For Information Development And Education; Partnership Respect Innovation Diversity And Excellence; Partnership Responsibility Involvement Duty And Enforcement; Partnerships Responsive To Individual Development And Education; People Respect Involvement Discipline And Excellence; People Respecting Individuality Diversity And Equality; People Responsible In Developing Employment; People Rest, I Do Extra; Peoples Restricted Intake Diet Education; Perseverance Respect Integrity Determination And Enthusiasm; Personal Responsibility Includes The Dorm Environment; Personal Road To Individual Development And Employment; Plan Of Recovery Individual Development And Employment; Planning Revitalization Installation Development And Evaluation; Poets Rule In Desperate Eras; Politeness Respect Integrity Discipline And Excellence; Practice Responsible Independent Decisions Everyday; Preparatory Rehabilitation For Individual Development And Employment; Private Resources In Developing Education; Productivity And Responsibility Increase Development And Employment; Professional Results In Daily Efforts; PRofitable Information by DEsign (IRM); Proven, Respectful, Innovative, Decisive, Enthusiastic
abbr., ed. Parent Resource For Information Development Education
abbr., med. Parent Resources And Information On Drug Education
abbr., mil., avia. pilot-routed informed-decision environment
abbr., tradem. Prison Rehabilitative Industries And Diversified Enterprises
abbr., transp. Parents Reducing Incidents Of Driver Error
mil. Personal Responsibility in Daily Effort; Professional Results in Daily Effort
tech. programmed reliability in design engineering
PRIDES abbr.
abbr., securit. preferred redeemable increased dividend equity securities
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Human rights activism2