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MTC abbr.
abbr. Manhattan Theatre Club; Massachusetts Telecommunications Council; Metric Ton Of Carbon; Metropolitan Transportation Commission; Mission To Children; Mission Training Center; More Than Conquerors; Multistate Tax Commission; Municipal Telematic Counter; Master Test Component (ISO 9646-3, TTCN); Master Timing Center; Materiel Testing Command; Mechanical Transport Corps; memory test computer; Military Transportation Committee; Mission and Traffic Control; Motor Transport Corps; Mixed-treatment comparisons; mechanized transport corps; Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals Co. Ltd.
abbr., anim.husb. maximum tolerance concentration
abbr., astronaut. Man Tended Capability
abbr., auto. manual temperature control
abbr., auto.ctrl. manual temperature compensation (igisheva)
abbr., avia. magnetic tape container; maintenance task cards; maintenance terminal cabinet; maintenance task card; maintenance test center; maintenance task code; manual traffic control; master thrust control; master thrust controller; master tooling control; mission test center; modular tool component
abbr., BrE mechanical transport company; Military Technical College
abbr., busin. Master of Textile Chemistry
abbr., chem. methyltolylcarbinol
abbr., comp. magnetic tape command
abbr., comp.name. Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals Co., Ltd
abbr., earth.sc. maximum tonnage capacity; maximum transport capacity; mean terrain clearance; mud to cement
abbr., el. magnetic tape control; multi-cable transit (a block system which provides sealing for cable penetration through gas tight or fire walls Val_Ships); magnetotransconductance; main timing circuitry; manufacturing technology center; maritime terrestrial circuit; master test connector; master transfer controller; Materials Technology Corporation; maximum tracking capacity; message transmission controller; metal telecommunications cable; microelectronic test chip; motorized theta correction; M-type carcinotron; multimedia telephone communications; multiple terminal communications (adapter)
abbr., el., scient. Main Test Component
abbr., gymn. Men's Technical Committee
abbr., IT Midi Time Code; Mobile Terminating Call; MIDI Time Code; multipoint touch screen; Mobile Switching Call
abbr., life.sc. microtubule
abbr., med. Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma; M. tuberculosis complex; magnetization transfer contrast (harser); mixed treatment comparisons (harser); methacycline hydrochloride
abbr., media. More To Come
abbr., met. minimum tension control
abbr., mil. Maneuver Training Command; Mercenary Training Center
abbr., mil., air.def. maximum track capacity
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic tape cassette
abbr., mil., WMD Munition test chamber; mustard thaw container
abbr., mus. Music Takes Control
abbr., O&G material test certificate (сертификат испытания материала Dzhem)
abbr., O&G, sakh. medical treatment case (is any work-related Injury that involves neither lost workdays nor restricted workdays but which requires treatment by, or under the specific order of, a physician or could be considered as being in the province of a physician. Medical treatment does not include First Aid even if this is provided by a physician or registered professional personnel)
abbr., oil machine trim compensator; Marine Technology Center; mass transfer coefficient; mass transport complex; master table of contents; methanol to chemicals (process); mixed temperature control; moment to change one centimeter trim
abbr., pharm. mitomycin
abbr., physiol., med. Minimum Toxic Concentration
abbr., post Managing through Challenges communication plan (USPS emergencies, 2004)
abbr., progr. Maintenance Controller (ssn); MIDI timecode (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. Mill Test Certificate (Павка)
abbr., radiol. Magnetization Transfer Contrast (Усиление контрастности за счёт переноса намагниченности в МР-ангиографии. Для преднасыщения белков, связанных с водой, и выделения свободной воды используется отдельный РЧ-импульс. Помогает улучшить визуализацию очагов. VasDoc)
abbr., relig. Mission To Catholics International, Inc.
abbr., scottish Military Technical Co-operation; Mini Tele-Copter (Germany)
abbr., space Mach trim compensator; Mach trim computer; magnetic tape controller; maintenance task cycle; man-tended capability; Mars transport craft; material testing center; mean transinformation content; memory timing chain; missile testing center; mobile tactical computer; Moscow Technical College
abbr., tech. Machine Tool Control (NataLet); minimum terrain clearance; mobile telecom carrier
abbr., tradem. Management & Training Corporation
abbr., transp. Multi Towing Craft
energ.ind. mass-transfer coefficient; mechanical-to-thermal conversion
mil. materiel testing center; medical training center; meteorological training center; missile test center; missile transfer car; missile tube control; mobile target carrier
NYSE., st.exch. Monsanto Company
oil, abbr. methanol to chemicals
tech. main trunk circuit; maintenance time constraint; master tape control; mean time to crash; mobile transfer conveyor; moderator temperature coefficient; multi-assembly transfer cask; multilead thermocouple
mtc abbr.
abbr. maintenance (Oleg Sollogub)