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MDN abbr.
comp., MS notifica sulla ricezione del messaggio (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)
 English thesaurus
MDN abbr.
abbr. Mutual Defense Nation; Mobile Directory Number (Juffin)
abbr., avia. Madison, Wisconsin USA
abbr., comp., net., IT Message Disposition Notification
abbr., earth.sc. marine-derived nitrogen
abbr., el. managed data network
abbr., expl. explosive consisting of picric acid and dinitronaphthalene
abbr., file.ext. Blank database template (MS Access)
abbr., food.ind. Mountain Dew Network
abbr., inet. Music Discovery Network
abbr., IT Blank database template
abbr., law Mobile Data Network
abbr., med. Medical Device Network
abbr., media. Midland Daily News; Missouri Digital News
abbr., mil. Mine Developer Network; Mutual Defense Network
USA Midland, Michigan
mdn abbr.
abbr. median
abbr., sport. maiden race