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LPS abbr.
comp., MS Local Provisioning System (A Windows component that resides in the operating system and enforces pay-as-you-go and subscription metering rules)
 English thesaurus
LPS abbr.
abbr. Laboratory For Planetary Sciences; Library Printing Services; Licensed Prevention Specialists; Lines Per Second; Large Processing Station; lightproof shade; Linear Pulse Sector; Liters per Second (Millie); Logistics Planning Study; Lotus Professional Services (Lotus); light-proof shade
abbr., agric. liquid protein supplement
abbr., anim.husb. lactoperoxidase system
abbr., auto. lamps; lever position sensor; line pressure solenoid
abbr., avia. Lopez Island, Washington USA; low pressure switch
abbr., busin. litres per second
abbr., comp.name. Lockheed Petroleum Services Ltd.
abbr., earth.sc. liquid-phase separation; liter per second; long-period superlattice; lunar penetrometer system
abbr., el. laminated power structure; laser particle sensor; laser pattern system; laser plasma source; laser printing system; launch-phase simulator; L-band phase shifter; limited power supply (model); line program selector; link processor system; liquid phase sintering; logical presentation space; long playing stereophonics; low power Schottky (diode)
abbr., el.gen. lightning protection system
abbr., file.ext. Line Per Second
abbr., IT Limited Power Source (uar)
abbr., life.sc. bacterial lipopolysaccharide
abbr., Makarov. launch processing system; lipopolysaccharide; low-power Schottky
abbr., med. Levator Palpebrae Superioris (muscle); LipoPolySaccharide; Left, Posterior, Superior (анатомическая система координат: справа налево, спереди назад, снизу вверх harser); lipopolysaccharides
abbr., mil. Local Positioning System
abbr., mil., avia. laboratory programm summary
abbr., mil., WMD Lightning protection system
abbr., oil laser printer system; least principal stress; line plot selection; low-pressure separation; low-pressure separator
abbr., oncol., med. Large Polyp Stony
abbr., pharm. Liquid Process Sizer (particle size analysis MusicalTree)
abbr., physiol., med. Large Polyp Scleractinian; Large Polyp Stoneys
abbr., police Latent Print Section
abbr., polym. low-pressure switch
abbr., post Local Property and Supply System (USPS Purchasing and Material Management Information Systems database contains local site inventory, property, and purchasing records.)
abbr., scottish Lhotellier Plastiques Sologne SA (France)
abbr., sport. lipo-polysaccharide
abbr., tech. Low Pressure Steam (пар низкого давления ihnatkovich)
abbr., tradem. Lanterman Petris And Short; Linden Planning Systems; Local Pet Store
abbr., vet.med., med. Little Pink Starfish
mil. laser power supply; logistics policy statement
tech. laboratory of plasma studies; laboratory peripheral system; line procedure specifications; local periodic structure; logic protection system; longitudinal phase space
lps abbr.
abbr. loops
insur. Lumpsum (lumpsum freight)
IT linear programming system
refrig. low-pressure side
LPs abbr.
abbr., oil Limited Partnerships
LPS: 4 phrases in 1 subject