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HACCP | hazard identification
 hazard identification
health. environ. identificazione dei pericoli; identificazione del pericolo
| approach
commun. transp. avvicinare; avvicinarsi
construct. accesso di ponte
earth.sc. mech.eng. scarto di temperatura
environ. accesso
mech.eng. accostare; mettere in posizione

to phrases
 English thesaurus
HACCP abbr.
abbr. Hazard Awareness And Crucial Compliance Plan; Hazardous Actions Critical Concepts Plan
abbr., agric. hazard analysis and critical control points
abbr., avia. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem., scient. Haccphazard Analysis And Critical Control Point
abbr., food.ind. Have A Custard Cream Pie; Hazard Awareness And Crucial Control Points
abbr., med. Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point; Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point; hazard analysis of critical control points
abbr., mil. Have A Cup Of Coffee And Pray; Hazard Analysis Critical Control Plan; Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points; Hazardous Analysis And Critical Control Point
abbr., oil hazard analysis and critical control position
abbr., org.name. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
energ.ind. hazard analyzer of critical control points
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Food industry1
Health care1