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BK | being
gen. essere; ente
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| initials
gen. iniziale
insur. siglare
polygr. model. cifre
gen. sigla
| of
gen. di
| index
comp., MS Indice
| patient
comp., MS paziente
| for
gen. come
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| virus
IT engl. virus
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
BK abbr.
abbr. Bobby Knight; Boogie Knight; Burger King; barge, knockdown
abbr., biol. bacillus Kochii
abbr., chem., scient. Berkelium
abbr., chess.term. Black Knight
abbr., IT Faxbook
abbr., law Bad Kid; Blood Killa
abbr., med. Below The Knee; Bovine Kidney (cells); Bradykinin; below the knee; bacterium koch; bradykinin (брадикинин Efimovich); Koch's bacillus (микобактерия туберкулеза Dimpassy); below knee
abbr., media. Blaw/ Knox freestanding tower
abbr., mil. Black Knights; British Knights
abbr., mus. Ben Keen
abbr., opt. borosilicate crown glass
abbr., physiol. Below the Knee
abbr., physiol., med. Back
abbr., polit. Bosnia and Herzegovina
abbr., scottish Battery Captain (British Army)
abbr., st.exch. Bank of New York, Inc.
bk abbr.
abbr. bank
auto. brake
biol. bark
cartogr. bituminous topped concrete
mining. break
polym. back
Bk abbr.
abbr. black; book; brook; barkevikite; berkelium; barrack
econ. backwardation (dimock)
Bks abbr.
abbr., busin. banks
BK! abbr.
abbr., IT Document backup
.bk! n
file.ext. Backup (file name extension, WordPerfect)
BK virus abbr.
abbr., med. BK being the initials of index patient for the virus
.BK! n
file.ext. Backup (WordPerfect)
BK abbr.
abbr., avia. back-space; back course marker
bk abbr.
abbr., busin. blacksmith; block
abbr., fin. bookkeeping
abbr., oil broken
Bk abbr.
abbr., med. Becquerel
bk. abbr.
abbr., fin. bank; book
abbr., shipb. bilge keel
BK! abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Document backup (WordPerfect for Win)
BK+ abbr.
abbr., med. bacillus Kochii+
BKER abbr.
abbr., el. block error rate
BK- abbr.
abbr., med. bacillus Kochii-
BK abbr.
abbr. bilge keel
abbr., earth.sc. basaltic komatiites
abbr., nautic. bar keel
abbr., space break-in keying
abbr., sport. balk
abbr., telecom. break-in
BK: 7 phrases in 3 subjects
Health care1