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 English thesaurus
SP abbr.
abbr. Sao Paulo; Southern Pacific; Stevens Point; sample part; Security Pack; Service Processor (Power4, IBM, IC); seaplane port; specification; supply; one-pole; shear plate; single-pole; spare; special (projectile); speed; splitting; stake and platform; standpipe; Short Play (VHS VCR); Simple visual Profile (MPEG); SPare (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems); specifications (eternalduck); Stops Processing; superintendent of police (Superintendent (supt), often shortened to "super", is a rank in British police services and in most English-speaking Commonwealth nations. In many Commonwealth countries the full version is superintendent of police (SP). The rank is also still used in the former British Colony of Hong Kong. WAD Alexander Demidov); spillover valve; soluble powder; sulphate of potash
abbr., account. sales proceeds; selling price
abbr., agric. superphosphate
abbr., auto. speed-preselect; signal program; separate seat; solid polymer; splice pack; sporadic faulty
abbr., avia. special observation code; safety pins; sampling; scavenging pump; scheduled passenger; scrapped parts; second pilot; selected point; self powered; self protection; semifinished product; separation parameter; serial production; service part; service position; shift pulses; shot penning; significant point; single purpose; space patrol; spares pricing; spark plug; special paper; special process; special projects; splice plate; split pin; spool; spray painting; stabilization of position; stagnation pressure; standard parts; standard parallel; stiffening plate; storage period; storage process; storage processor; storage program; storage properties; surface preparation; surge point; switch pressure; system procedure; system product
abbr., biol. species
abbr., bot., scient. Soil Properties
abbr., BrE school of photography
abbr., busin. Sole Proprietorship (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., commun. signalling point; Sectioning Post
abbr., comp., IT Single Processor
abbr., data.prot. structured protection
abbr., dent.impl. Standard Plus (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dril. self potential log (an electrical log for indicating lithology)
abbr., econ. sample post; stop of payment
abbr., ed. Spanish
abbr., el. sales presentation; satellite paging; scan period; scattered pilot; scientific program; scratch pad; scratchpad; section post; security program; security protocol; send processor; separable programming; sequential processor; serial port; serial printer; service program; session protocol; shape processor; sigma performance; signaling path; signaling protocol; signal processing; single-electron pulse; single-precision; single probe; sizing plane; slave processor; smart path; smart push; smoothing procedure; software package; solid phase; solution platform; sound-powered (telephone); source processor; Southern Pacific Communications Corp.; spare path; speaker-phone; special parts specification; special probe; speckle pattern; speech processing; speech processor; splash-proof; spot (beam); sputtered; standard play; standard product; start program; stepping pulse; still picture; Stokes parameters; stop; storage protection; streaming protocol; study program; sub point; sub process; subprogram; superparamagnetic; super planar; supervisory panel; support processor; surface plasmon; surface polariton; surface polarization; switch processor; symbol programmer; synchronous point; system package; system platform; system processor; system program; speech process; stochastic programming
abbr., el., scient. Signal Processor
abbr., electr.eng. spinning reserve; source point
abbr., file.ext. Compressed file archive (Splint); Service Package; Supervisory Printer
abbr., geophys. seismic source point (MichaelBurov); shot position (MichaelBurov); source point (MichaelBurov); seismic SP (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Service Provider
abbr., IT Service Pack; Stack Pointer; sound parameters; semipermanent; shift pulse; square punch
abbr., law State Police
abbr., Makarov. single-point; starting point
abbr., med. Senile Parkinsonism; Serine/proline (rich Protein); Skin Potential; Slow Pathway (heart Electrical Activity); sodium phosphate (фосфат натрия Земцова Н.); sway path (ННатальЯ); sacrum to pubis; secretory piece; serum phosphorus; serum protein; suprapubic puncture; systolic blood pressure
abbr., media. studio profile; standard playback
abbr., met. straight polarity
abbr., mil. Security Policy; Spare; strongpoint (Val_Ships); security police; soft-point; sequence programmer
abbr., mil., air.def. synchronization profile
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite processor
abbr., mil., BrE service policeman
abbr., mil., WMD secondary power
abbr., mining. spare parts
abbr., nautic. Safe Port
abbr., numism. Specimen
abbr., O&G self-potential curve (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. safety procedure (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Spontaneous Potential; spontaneous potential
abbr., O&G, sakh. seismic profile; standing pipe rack
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. set pressure
abbr., oil bbl separator barrel; reflected wave; shot points; Spontaneous Potential Log (glenfoo); self potential; spontaneous polarization; shot point; curve spontaneous polarization curve; set plug; slightly porous; straddle packer; surface pressure
abbr., org.name. Strategy and Policy Division
abbr., pest.contr. water soluble powder
abbr., pharma. sulphopropyl (сульфопропил oshkindt)
abbr., polit. Spain
abbr., polym. single propellant; sliced plate; smokeless propellant; soil pipe; solidifying point; spot plate; standard pitch; standard pressure; steam pressure; superior-processing; series-parallel; singlephase; solid propellant
abbr., railw. Switching Post
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Poland); Shore Patrol (USA); Single-Phase; Smart Procurement (UK MoD); Stabilised Platform; Spain (NATO country code); Spotting round
abbr., silic. softening point; suspension preheater
abbr., sport. Single Player
abbr., textile shoulder point
abbr., water.suppl. GR Specific Gravity
energ.ind., abbr. sample pump; security package; seismic performance; sodium pump; solar pond; solidifying temperature; specific speed; spectrophotometer; spectrophotometry; standard problem; storage plant; successful path; super-pressure
invest., abbr. stop payment
meteorol., abbr. scientific principle
mil., abbr. seaplane; secret publication; security policeman; security publication; self-propelled; sensor package; service pistol; service publication; shipping port; shore party; sign post; signal post; signal processor; signal publication; single-purpose; smokeless powder; spare part; spares planning; special performance; special planning; special program; special project; special projective; special propellants; special-purpose; specialist; splinter-protected; standard practice; standard procedure; standing procedure; start point; stragglers' post; strategic plan; strategic planning; strategic program; stretcher party; student pilot; submarine patrol; summary plotter; supply point; support publication; surveillance procedure; system parameter; systems planning
O&G, abbr. code of practice; small power supply
physiol., abbr. Spine, spinal
pipes., abbr. satin polish
tech., abbr. safety principles; sampling point; satellite processor; saturation paste; saturation percentage; security procedure; self-potential; separator; set point; short-period; shotpoint; signal projector; single pole; single-processor; solar panel; solidification point; space character; span value; stand pipe; star photometer; starting period; stellar photometry; superpressure; suppression pool; suspended particles
tradem., abbr. Sprague
TV, abbr. standart play
wood., abbr. Southern pine
Sp abbr.
abbr. sphalerite; spirit; Support; Spain; sponge; spotted
abbr., earth.sc. spessartite
abbr., med. Spleen; cerebrospinal liquor; splotch; vac smallpox vaccination
abbr., oil serpentine; serpentinite; Sparta
energ.ind., abbr. tube spacing parallel to flow
O&G Inst Ser Special Instrument Service
sp abbr.
abbr. shield
sp. abbr.
abbr. spare; spark; specially; specialist; speciality; speckled; sample (Vosoni)
sp abbr.
abbr., dril. specific gravity
sp. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. special; species; specification
abbr., libr. spell-out
sp abbr.
abbr., med. gr specific gravity; speciality; speech; spine; spinal; vol specific volume
cartogr. specks
sp. n
construct. specific
sp n
electr.eng. specific heat
sp. n
met. ht. specific heat
sp n
mil. special (Киселев)
O&G spore
polym. specific
Sp. abbr.
abbr. Spanish; spring; supply; Spaniard
abbr., earth.sc. Spain; spirit; sponge
abbr., mech.eng. spotter
abbr., mining. spessartine
lat. Spurius (a common Roman forename)
VclSP abbr.
abbr. clay content deduced from spontaneous potential SP log
abbr., oil clay content deduced from spontaneous potential SP log
sP abbr.
abbr., med. substance Р
SPs abbr.
abbr., avia. standards and procedures
abbr., corp.gov. support services to Members and other partners
SPS abbr.
abbr. Shots Per Second; Special Purpose Synthetic; Scaleable Platform Solution; special services; Solar Power Satellite (Space); Standard Procurement System (U.S. Department of Defense semenkov); Synthetic Percussion Sequencer; symbolic programming system; special protection system; Standard Pressed Steel Co.; CERN 400-GeV Super Proton Synchrotron (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
abbr., astronaut. Shuttle Pallet Satellite
abbr., astronaut., mil. Seconds per Scan; Designation for Soviet airborne jammer facility
abbr., auto. service programming system; servo position sensor; speed signal
abbr., auto.ctrl. special protection scheme (igisheva)
abbr., avia. system product specification; sensor processing subsystem; service process solution; service provider system; speech path subsystem; standard position service; surge prevention system; SAIC process specification; SAMC process specification; serial paralled storage; single point sensor; single pole switch; software project specification; space power system; spares pricing system; specific projection system; spoiler station; static power system; static pressure system; statistical performance standards; stall protection system; supplier product specification; support programming system; the standard of the products delivery from supplies
abbr., busin. speciality shop; standard pressed steel
abbr., cartogr. salt pans station
abbr., comp. synchronous program supervisor
abbr., comp., IT Service Programming System
abbr., comp., net. standby power system; sync point service
abbr., corp.gov. Separation Payments Scheme
abbr., earth.sc. sensor processing system; South Pacific States; special processing subsystem; Subcommission of Precambrian Stratigraphy
abbr., ed. Stamford Public Schools (iwona)
abbr., ed., scient. The Society Of Physics Students
abbr., el. standard positioning service; secondary power supply; Semiconductor Products Sector; sequential partitioned system; serial-parallel-serial (configuration); servo parameter shift; short period superlattice; signaling protocol switching; simulation programming system; single pass soldering system; software performance summary; software productivity system; solid programmed switch; sonar phase shifter; stacked-polycrystalline-silicon (emitter contacted diode); standard positioning system; stimulated photorefractive scattering; stored program simulator; structured programming system; superscript (character); support processing subsystem; service provisioning system
abbr., el., scient. Switching Power Supply
abbr., electr.eng. single phase switching; solar power station; supplementary power supply
abbr., electric. single-pole switch
abbr., file.ext. OS/2 Database
abbr., geophys. Shell Processing Support (Alexey Lebedev)
abbr., horticult. sanitary and phytosanitary measures
abbr., inet. Simple Posting System
abbr., IT Sprint Screen driver; Secure Payment System (Янка); Sharepoint Portal Server (Янка); standby power supply; security protection system; sync point services
abbr., law Self Preservation Society
abbr., logist. Shanghai Port Surcharge
abbr., Makarov. solar power system
abbr., med. Scapuloperoneal Syndrome; Society Of Pelvic Surgeons; Scheduled Procedure Step (harser); Single Parameter Score (harser); single-port surgery (harser); spontaneous pressure support (ИВЛ harser); salmon-poisoning disease; agar sulfite, polymyxin, sulfadiazine; special Papanicolaou smear; suicide probability scale; systemic progressive sclerosis
abbr., met. spark plasma sintering (t_edelweis); sticking prevention system
abbr., microbiol. sodium polyanetholesulfonate (полианетолсульфонат натрия Dimpassy)
abbr., microel. single path sensitization (ssn)
abbr., mil. Software Product Specification; Supplemental Programs and Services; Self Protection Suite (smovas); standard positioning service; Science for Peace and Security
abbr., mil., avia. samples per second
abbr., mil., WMD secondary power distribution system; site piping system
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Surface Process Shutdown
abbr., oil satellite well production system; subsea production system; shot point seismometer; salt proximity survey; samples per second; satellite production system; secondary propulsion system; sediment probe system; seismic preprocessing system; seismic processing system; selective production scheduling; sonic porosity source; submarine piping system; submersible pump system; subsea production station; syndiotactic polystyrene
abbr., opt. solar power satellite
abbr., org.name. Separation Payment Scheme
abbr., pharm. sodium polystyrene sulfonate
abbr., phys. Super Proton Synchrotron (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol., med. Small Polyp Stony
abbr., polym. sulfonated polysulfone
abbr., post Statistical Programs Specialist
abbr., powd.met. spark-plasma sintering (igisheva)
abbr., progr. single point status (ssn)
abbr., railw. Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company; Station Processing System
abbr., scottish Self-Protection Subsystem
abbr., soil. silvopastoral system
abbr., sol.pow. SEGS (MichaelBurov); solar power plant (MichaelBurov); SPP (MichaelBurov); solar power station (MichaelBurov); solar electric generating station (MichaelBurov)
abbr., space satellite power system; serial-parallel-serial configuration; service module propulsion system; service provider station; shuttle procedure simulator; simple processing station; solar probe spacecraft; spacecraft propulsion system; space physics sensor; stored program system; string process system
abbr., st.exch. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Company
abbr., tech. Suspension Plasma Spray (bonly); special purpose ship
abbr., telecom. semi-persistent scheduling (harser)
abbr., tradem. Specialized Pharmacy Services
abbr., transp. Shock Protection System; Sport Production Special
abbr., UN, biol., sec.sys. sanitary and phytosanitary agreement
Apollo-Soyuz, abbr. seal preload sensor; service propulsion system
comp., abbr. satellite-power system; standart position service
comp., IT Superscript
energ.ind., abbr. secondary protection system; short-break power supply
mil. self-protection system
mil., abbr. secondary power system; security police squadron; signal processing system; spares; special service; special-purpose system
NASA, abbr. Symbols per second
tech., abbr. Shuttle primary software; safety protection subsystem; samples-per-second; secondary plant system; shotpoint seismometer; source-point seismometer; spectrum planning subcommittee; speech processor set; spotpoint seismometer; standard project storm; submerged production system; super proton synchrotron; supplementary protection system; surface photovoltage spectroscopy
water.suppl., abbr. standard pipe size
sps abbr.
abbr. sharpshooter
mining. supersonic
O&G sparse
Sps abbr.
abbr. spessartine
abbr., earth.sc. shot points
sps. abbr.
abbr. supersonic
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
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