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xl abbr.stresses
Makarov. сетчатый (cross-linked); структурированный (cross-linked); сшитый (cross-linked)
XL abbr.
fash. пышная и роскошная (Alex_Odeychuk); с пышными формами (Alex_Odeychuk)
insur. эксцедент убытка (excess of loss tenerezzza)
show.biz. ... пышной красоты (Alex_Odeychuk); пышнотелая (Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
xl abbr.
polym. cross-linked
XL abbr.
abbr. eXtra Large
abbr., auto. extra length; extra load
abbr., avia. extra long
abbr., busin. extra of loss
abbr., cycl. xtra large
abbr., el. execution language; ultraclean; xenon laser
abbr., IT Excel Spreadsheet
abbr., math., scient. Roman Numeral 40
abbr., med. X-chromosome Linked; excess lactate
abbr., oil inductive reactance; cross linkage; extra-large
abbr., pharma. Extended Release (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., photo. Existing light
abbr., shipb. extralarge
abbr., st.exch. X L Capital, LTD.
abbr., textile Extra Large; extra outsize
insur. excess of loss
NASA, mil. Excel
Xl abbr.
abbr. crystal
: 12 phrases in 7 subjects
Humorous / Jocular1
Mass media3
Oil and gas2
Oil and gas technology3
Show business1
Vibration monitoring1