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within a reasonable timestresses
gen. в разумные сроки (Alexander Demidov); в течение короткого времени (sankozh)
busin. в допустимые сроки (Alexander Matytsin)
law в разумный срок (The English law, which in this respect, has been adopted by us, frequently requires things to be done within a reasonable time; but what a reasonable time is it does not define: quam long-um debet esse rationabile tempus, non definitur in lege, sed pendet ex discretione justiciariorum. This indefinite requisition is the source of much litigation. A bill of exchange, for example, must be presented within a reasonable time. An abandonment must be made within a reasonable time after advice received of the loss. lectlaw.com Alexander Demidov)
within a reasonable time
: 20 phrases in 4 subjects