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wary ['we(ə)rɪ] adj.stresses
be wary of
gen. осторожный; осмотрительный; насторожённый; подозрительный; недоверчивый; внимательный (QooZax); опасаясь (But the issue of permanent Nato bases in east Europe is divisive. The French, Italians and Spanish are opposed while the Americans and British are supportive of the eastern European demands. The Germans, said a Nato official, were sitting on the fence, wary of provoking Russia. 4uzhoj); сторожкий (напр., "a wary silence" – "сторожкая тишина" Рина Грант); опасливый; относящийся с подозрением (of – к Ремедиос_П); бдительный (Be wary in regard to credit repair companies that promise an overnight makeover. I. Havkin); разумный; скромный; сдержанный; настороженный (насторо́женный Abysslooker)
Gruzovik подстерегающий
fig. обжёгшийся (исходя из контекста, в значении "совершивший ошибку", "потерпевший неудачу" и т.д. Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, obs., nonstand. сторожливый
inf. выжидательный (not completely trusting or certain Val_Ships); напряжённый (a wary look Val_Ships)
obs. прижимистый; скуповатый
 English thesaurus
wary ['we(ə)rɪ] adj.
gen. marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger (Great critics are sometimes wary of great authors. Eliot and Pound usually sidled past Shakespeare. • Though sycamore wood was much used, pioneers were wary of the tree's fuzzy leaves, which they believed brought allergies and even consumption. • Be especially wary of the look-alike N95 type masks being sold at major retail distributors, Sexton said. • The Quality Guaranteed program hopes to reassure shoppers, already wary of spending money on retail, that an R&B item is made to last in every sense of the phrase. merriam-webster.com)
: 79 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Mass media6