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vit abbr.stresses
perf. витамин
 English thesaurus
vit abbr.
abbr., busin. violet
abbr., med., lat. vitellus
VIT abbr.
abbr. vitality
abbr., avia. video image terminal; variable incidence tailplane
abbr., earth.sc. vertical ice thickness
abbr., el. vertical interval test (signal); variable integration time; vertical integration technology; vertical interval technique; very intelligent terminal; virtual interconnect test
abbr., IT VTAM internal trace
abbr., oil vertical interference testing; vacuum insulated tubing (Теплоизолированная НКТ (Теплоизолированная насосно-компрессорная труба с вакуумной теплоизоляцией) Fresco)
abbr., police Vulnerability Investigation Team (iwona)
abbr., radio vertical interval test signal
abbr., space video intelligent terminal
abbr., tech. variable injection timing
vitr. abbr.
abbr. vitreous
Vit. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. vitreous
vit abbr.
abbr. vital; vitamin; vitreous
VIT abbr.
abbr. Very Important Traveler
abbr., ed., scient. Vellore Institute of Technology; Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune
abbr., fishery visible implant tag
abbr., IT Vermicon Identification Technology; VITec file Bitmap graphics
abbr., media. Vermont Interactive Television
abbr., mus. Vocal Institute of Technology
abbr., physiol., med. Vitamin
abbr., scottish Vision In a Turn
abbr., sport. Very Important Tailgaters
abbr., st.exch. Van Kampen American Capital Intermediate Term High Income Trust Fund
abbr., tradem. Visionary Information Technologies
airports, avia. Vitoria, Spain
tech. variable impedance tube
: 40 phrases in 7 subjects
Gas processing plants1
Mass media2
Obsolete / dated2