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urd [uəd] nstresses
biol. фасоль мунго (Phaseolus mungo)
bot. индийская фасоль (Phaseolus mungo); урд (вариант написания. основной вариант "urad" wiktionary.org)
hindi урд (Phaseolus mungo)
Urd [uəd] n
myth., nors., myth. Урд (одна из норн)
 English thesaurus
URD [uəd] abbr.
abbr. Ultra Rush Demons; Urdu
abbr., auto. volt, resistance, diode
abbr., comp., net., IT Url Rendezvous Directory
abbr., el. unexpected read data; unit of recovery descriptor; user requirements definition; utterance recognition device
abbr., electr.eng. underground residential distribution
abbr., IT unit record device
abbr., med. upper respiratory infection disease
abbr., mil. User Requirements Document
abbr., mil., avia. user requirement document
abbr., physiol., med. Unit Release Dose; Upper respiratory disease
abbr., progr., IT User Report Designer
abbr., sport. U aRe Dead
abbr., tradem. United Research and Development America, Inc.; yoU aRe Drawing
tech. utility requirements document
Urd [uəd] abbr.
abbr. uridine
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects