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upscale [ʌp'skeɪl] vstresses
gen. расширить рамки (Moscowtran); повысить масштаб (напр., производства Moscowtran)
Игорь Миг наращивать; усиливать; повышать уровень (чего-либо); расширять (Напр. рамки сотрудничества; инициативы и т.п.)
busin. расти вверх (shelldan)
O&G, oilfield. масштабировать (модель evermore)
softw. увеличивать резолюцию (изображения Баян)
upscale [ʌp'skeɪl] adj.
gen. элитарный (Tamerlane)
amer. престижный (relatively expensive and designed to appeal to affluent consumers; upmarket: upscale district of a city • My daughter is a junior at Walt Whitman High School, an upscale public school in Bethesda, Maryland. • This strategy [of rotating the garage with respect to the street] has become popular in many upscale housing developments nationwide primarily becaues it de-emphasizes the garage and makes the house look more like their traditional counterparts from the turn of the last century. vp_73); высококачественный; нерядовой (nicknicky777); элитный (upscale neighborhood • upscale store ludvi); высокопрестижный; фешенебельный (marked by wealth or quality; high-class: In Rio de Janeiro, thousands protested in a gritty area far from the city's upscale seaside districts. Alexander Demidov); качественный (relating to people from a high social class who have a lot of money SYN upmarket (British English): an affluent upscale audience. LDOCE Alexander Demidov); эксклюзивный (Alexander Demidov); выше среднего уровня (по образованию, доходу); высшего качества; высокого класса (This Barbados resort is more that just an upscale and elite spot. ART Vancouver); занимающий высокое положение; высшей категории (Georgy Moiseenko)
Игорь Миг, amer. верхнего сегмента
Игорь Миг, bus.styl. высшего разряда
 English thesaurus
upscale [ʌp'skeɪl] v
gen. to increase in size; to scale up (wiktionary.org)
upscale [ʌp'skeɪl] adj.
amer. marked by wealth or quality; high-class; upmarket (In Rio de Janeiro, thousands protested in a gritty area far from the city’s upscale seaside districts. In other cities, demonstrators blocked roads, barged into City Council meetings or interrupted sessions of local lawmakers, clapping loudly and sometimes taking over the microphone. • This strategy [of rotating the garage with respect to the street] has become popular in many upscale housing developments nationwide primarily becaues it de-emphasizes the garage and makes the house look more like their traditional counterparts from the turn of the last century. wiktionary.org)
: 25 phrases in 13 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Energy industry3
Food industry1
Real estate2