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under the radarstresses
gen. вне поля видимости (объект, не улавливаемый радаром посторанним в); исподтишка (idiomatic) Without attracting notice; in an undetected or secretive manner. 2004 Aug. 30, Andrea Sachs, "About-Face," Time: Institutional change has not happened. But it's done quietly under the radar at lots of places. WT. under the or someone's) radar, entirely escaping someone's) attention: his offensive article managed to get under the radar and be published; the appointment time somehow slipped under my radar; her behaviour is so good that she falls under the radar and doesn't get enough attention. MD Alexander Demidov); закулисно (fa158); негласно (fa158)
amer. не привлекая излишнего внимания (do it quietly,under the radar Val_Ships); скрытно (live under the radar Val_Ships)
jarg. без палева (Aprilen)
gen. незамеченный (Ремедиос_П); незаметный (Chicago's Patrick Sharp is among the under-the-radar players to watch in semis. VLZ_58); неприметный (Побеdа)
hockey. малозаметный (Chicago's Patrick Sharp is among the under-the-radar players to watch in semis. VLZ_58); малоприметный (VLZ_58)
 English thesaurus
Under The Radar
mil., abbr. UTR
under the radar
: 130 phrases in 7 subjects
Proper and figurative1