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to one's heart's contentstresses
Gruzovik на здоровье
idiom. от души (есть, наесться, спать, выспаться DRE); досыта (наесться DRE); сколько душе угодно (заниматься чем-то приятным – есть, спать и т. д. DRE); до упаду (насмеяться, натанцеваться DRE); всласть (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now) ART Vancouver); вдоволь (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now) ART Vancouver); вволю (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now) ART Vancouver); вдосталь (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now) ART Vancouver); сколько душе угодно (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now) ART Vancouver)
inf. вволю; вдоволь
obs. во здравие
to one’s heart's content
gen. досыта; на- (with -ся, наиграться, to play to one’s heart’s content); сколько душе угодно
to one’s heart’s content
gen. в своё удовольствие
inf. вдосталь
to heart's content
: 159 phrases in 5 subjects
Obsolete / dated1