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Tim [tɪm] nstresses
given. Тим (мужское)
names Тимофей; Тимоти
tim [tɪm] n
construct. тим (architecture of Central Asia, архитектура Средней Азии)
tims abbr.
sl., drug. марихуана
TIMS abbr.
comp., net. набор средств измерения искажений при передаче
Makarov. МСТИ; масс-спектрометрия с термической ионизацией
phys. масс-спектрометр с термической ионизацией (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
TIM [tɪm] abbr.
abbr. timing
abbr., auto. tire inflation memory; tire inflation module
abbr., avia. tactical information management; time
abbr., commun. Telepoint subscriber identity module
abbr., mil., air.def. terminal input message
Tim [tɪm] abbr.
abbr., oil Timiskaming; Timpas
TIMS abbr.
abbr. Tank Inventory Management System; Treasury Information Management System; Trumpf Information And Messaging System; The Institute of Management Sciences
abbr., auto. tire inflation monitoring system
abbr., avia. tool inventory management system; training integration management system
abbr., busin. times
abbr., chem. thermal ionization-mass spectrometry
abbr., commun. Train Integrated Management System
abbr., comp., net. transmission impairment measurement set
abbr., comp., net., IT Tivoli Internet Management Server
abbr., earth.sc. thermal imaging multispectral scanner; thermal infrared multispectral scanner system; thermoinfrared multispectral spectrometer
abbr., el. telecommunications instruction module system; telecommunications integrated management and surveillance system; telephone information management system; teleprocessing interface macro system
abbr., file.ext. Text Information Management Systems
abbr., immunol. transplant information management system
abbr., IT Transmission Impairment Measuring Set
abbr., med. Tuberculosis Information Management System
abbr., mil. Technical Information Management System; TFCC Information Management System; Tracker Image Management System; Tactical Internet Management System (qwarty); The Institute of Management Science
abbr., O&G, sakh. Technical information management system; Technical Integrating Management System (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil thermal-infrared multispectral scanner; thermo-ionization mass spectrometry
abbr., phys. thermal ionization mass spectrometer (MichaelBurov); thermal ionization mass spectrometry (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Technology Integration of Missile Subsystem; Thermal Infra-red Multispectral
abbr., securit. theoretical indicative margin system
abbr., space tailored inspection maintenance system; thermal infrared mapping spectrometer
abbr., tradem. Totally Independent Musician Services
abbr., transp. Train Information Management System; Traveler Information Management System
comp. thermal infrared multispectral scanner
mil. tactical incapacitating munitions system; tactical information management system; technology integration of missile subsystems
: 19 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Mass media1
Names and surnames2