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tally withstresses
gen. вязаться (Anglophile); сходиться (Anglophile); увязываться (Anglophile); совпадать (sth., с чем-л.); соответствовать (sth., чему-л.)
cliche. сочетаться с (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com) ART Vancouver); согласовываться с (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com) ART Vancouver); соответствовать (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com) ART Vancouver); соотноситься (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com) ART Vancouver); ладиться с (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com) ART Vancouver)
inf. совпадать с (agree or correspond with: their signatures should tally with their names on the register Val_Ships)
Makarov. гармонировать; совпадать; соответствовать; согласовываться (напр., о гипотезе с фактами, эксперименте с теорией и т.п.)
tally with...
busin. совпадать с...
tally with
: 15 phrases in 6 subjects