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sw nstresses
tech. реле
SW n
gen. переводимое слово (MichaelBurov); слово на языке оригинала (MichaelBurov); слово на языке исходного текста перевода (MichaelBurov)
comp., net. переключатель; блок переключателей
hi-fi коротковолновый диапазон радиовещания с частотами от 5, 5 МГц до 27 МГц
inet. семантическая паутина (MichaelBurov)
IT коммутатор; выключатель; прерыватель; разъединитель; "софтвэр" (MichaelBurov); программа; "софт" (MichaelBurov)
med. РСИ (работник (работница) секс-индустрии Igor Kondrashkin)
media. коротковолновый диапазон радиовещания с частотами от 5,9 МГц до 26,1 МГц
oil промывка солёной водой (salt wash); спиральный сварной шов (spiral weld)
Sw n
geol. свазий (MichaelBurov); свазийская эра (MichaelBurov); свазийское время (MichaelBurov); свазийский эон (MichaelBurov); свазийский период (MichaelBurov); свазийский возраст (MichaelBurov)
geophys. показатель насыщения (MichaelBurov); показатель водонасыщения (MichaelBurov); коэффициент водонасыщенности (MichaelBurov)
SW abbr.
abbr. независимая неправительственная организация Saferworld (Saferworld Divina)
dril. боковой (sidewall; отбор керна)
Gruzovik, scient. специальные виды оружия (special weapons)
IT программное обеспечение (MichaelBurov); короткие волны (100 - 10 м); программные средства; программные продукты; программный продукт; документация программного продукта; программная документация; программный; аудиовизуальные материалы; коммутационное устройство
nautic. зюйд-вест (MichaelBurov); румб 20 (MichaelBurov); шалоник (-поморское название MichaelBurov); азимут 225,00° (MichaelBurov)
O&G боковой отбор керна (side wall); солёная вода (salt water)
O&G, sakh. приварной враструб
Sw adj.
geol. свазийский (MichaelBurov)
SW abbr.
avia. ДКМВ (радиодиапазон kotechek)
textile тутовый шелкопряд (silkworm Yuriy83)
 English thesaurus
sw abbr.
abbr. salt water; sea water; submarine warfare
agric. saltwater table
comp. software (malder)
IT switch
O&G solution in water
polym. swelling
sw. abbr.
abbr. sweet
abbr., earth.sc. swelling
abbr., tech. seawater
SW abbr.
abbr. Social Worker; South West; SouthWest; Swahili; source word (MichaelBurov); Sandwich Wound; Saturated Warm; Secretary of War; Semi Works; Set Word; Shapiro Weber; Shitty Wigger; shock wave; short-wave; Single Wait; single weight; Sky Wagon; Slime Worm; Small Wonders; Smith And Waterman; Socket Weld; softwood (хвойный Diskov); Some Wouldn't; Sony Worldwide; South-West; South-Westerly; southwest; Southwestern Railroad Company; spot-weld; Stakes Winners; Stanislaw Wladyslaw; Starlight Warriors; Stewart Warner; Store Word; Strength Weakness; Super Wobbling; SuperWorld; Surface Warfare; swash; Sweatshop Watch; Swedish Warlord; switchband wound (relay); Swollen, Swelling; Weinberg-Salam model
abbr., alum. shift work
abbr., auto. space wagon
abbr., avia. single wheel gear; Sandwich (Catering ЕленаЛ); stopway; ser water; skilled worker; socket wrench; solid wrench; Southwest Airways Company; space wave; specific weapon; speeder wrench; spherical washer; spherical wave; steering wheel; surface wind
abbr., avia., med. simulated weightlessness
abbr., cartogr. south-western
abbr., chem. separation work
abbr., chem., scient. Solvent Water
abbr., commun. scheduler; shareable; source encoding; static communication area
abbr., dril. saltwater
abbr., econ. sent wrong; shipper's weight; short weight
abbr., el. scalar wave; scientific workstation; Semiconductor World; send wrong; shifter width; shortwave; single well; single-window; spin wave; standard warranty; status word; stop-and-wait (protocol); structured wiring; supersonic wave; switching
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Star Wars
abbr., file.ext. Signed Word Audio file
abbr., hydraul. spanner wrench (накидной ключ Алонсо)
abbr., inet. semantic web (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Semantic Web; Single Word; So What?; Switch; software (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. Sturge-Weber (syndrome); sex worker (Igor Kondrashkin); spike-wave; stroke work
abbr., media. Short Wave
abbr., meteorol. stud welding
abbr., mil. Secret Weapon; Software; Special Weapons; Shallow Water (mine-detection)
abbr., mil., WMD Solid waste
abbr., nautic. southwest (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., scient. Salt Water
abbr., nucl.phys. write bit
abbr., O&G, casp. shallow water (raf)
abbr., oil salt wash; seawater; sidewall; spiral weld
abbr., physiol. spike-and-wave; Stab Wound; SWollen
abbr., physiol., med. Stab wound
abbr., polit. Specific Weight; Sweden
abbr., polym. specific weight
abbr., progr., IT Standard Works
abbr., scottish Strategic Wing (USAF); Surface Wave; Sweden (NATO country code)
abbr., st.exch. Stone & Webster, Inc.
abbr., transp. Single Wheel; Station Wagon; Super Wide
energ.ind. secondary waste; secondary water; semiworked; similar weld
IT shareware
meteorol. prognostic charts of significant weather; stationary wave; supplementary airway weather
mil. security watch; security wing; security writing; signals warfare; small warship; special warfare; special weapon; strategic warfare; strategic weapon; strategic wing
O&G switch gear
tech. series winding; service water; short waves; side wall; space weapon; standing wave
Sw abbr.
abbr. saturation of water; water saturation
abbr., geophys. water saturation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., lab.eq. swine
geol. Swazian (MichaelBurov); Swazian Eon, Swazian Period (MichaelBurov); Swazian era (MichaelBurov); the Swazian (MichaelBurov); Swazian erathem (MichaelBurov); Swazian epoch (MichaelBurov); Swazian age (MichaelBurov); Swazian time (MichaelBurov)
Sw. abbr.
abbr. Swedish; swell organ; switch; switching; Switzerland
abbr., earth.sc. Sweden
SW abbr.
abbr. switch character; semiweekly; South Wales; static water; stock width
abbr., avia. spot weld (welding); stall warning
abbr., busin. scope of work; shiper's weights; soft ware; standard weights; Steel Wire; steam winch; storage warehouse
abbr., comp.name. Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.
abbr., dril. sweet water
abbr., earth.sc. saline water; severe weather; slope of the width; snow showers; spring water; storm warning; surface water; switching
abbr., econ. shipping weight
abbr., electric. secondary winding
abbr., oil salinity window; sealing water; service wires; side-wall; signal wire; socket welding; southwestern; standard weight; stockwork; Stone-Webster (process)
abbr., radio short-wave switch; stationary standing wave
abbr., space single-wedge-type; Space Wing
abbr., sport. suspend because of weather
abbr., tech. Spiral Wound (fa158)
abbr., telecom. S-wire
SW. abbr.
abbr., econ. short wave
: 249 phrases in 28 subjects
Analytical chemistry2
Building materials1
Computer networks1
Gold mining1
High energy physics1
Information technology4
Mass media12
Oil / petroleum2
Oil and gas technology1
Sakhalin R2
Security systems1
Vibration monitoring1