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succussion [sə'kʌʃ(ə)n] nstresses
gen. дрожь; дрожание; потрясение
book. тряска; сотрясение
med. суккуссия (диагностический приём для выявления шума плеска)
pharma. встряхивание (механический приём в производстве гомеопатических лекарств (The soultion resulting from admixture of the two liquids is subjected to the vigorous shaking with impact known as succussion. A special mechanical shaker can be used, however, there there are a few pharmacists who still succuss by hand, striking the vial on the heel of their palms. Steven Kayne, Homeopathic Pharmacy Theory and Practice) Leana)
succussion: 4 phrases in 1 subject