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stashed awaystresses
gen. припрятанный (Fewer deliveries in the winter months. Luckily I have literally hundreds of bottles stashed away. Here's one such vintage bottle from the vault. – у меня припрятано ART Vancouver)
stash away
gen. копить (тайком, припрятывая деньги); накопить (тайком, припрятывая деньги)
inf. припрятать (He keeps his boat stashed away a bit further down the coast where the cops and the customs guys can't see what he's doing. • Their job is to collect a couple of pick-ups that Jimmy has stashed away there. 4uzhoj); припрятывать; заначивать (4uzhoj); заныкать (Now tell me about this money you have stashed away in the Cayman Islands. Abysslooker); ныкать (Abysslooker)
Makarov. утаивать
Makarov., inf. прятать
gen. заначенный (I bought a ticket with my stashed-away money – я купил билет на заначенные деньги Рина Грант)
stashed -away
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects