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sophistry ['sɔfɪstrɪ] nstresses
gen. софистика; софизм; софистическая аргументация; казуистика (same as "casuistry" Val_Ships); ложный аргумент (a false argument Val_Ships); уловки ("Drama, the art in which perspectives are brought into collision, is a powerful antidote to the sophistry and sensationalism nullifying our capacity for intelligent debate." – Charles McNulty, The Los Angeles Times, 31 Dec. 2017 VLZ_58); трюки (VLZ_58); словоблудие (The newspaper editorial warned readers to beware politicians who use sophistry to convince voters to support policies not in their own best interests. VLZ_58); хитрая уловка (в споре; same as "sophism" Val_Ships); измышление (or fallacy Val_Ships); лжемудрствование; логика
Gruzovik, inf. заумь
Gruzovik, obs. суемудрие
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Obsolete / dated3