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sniff outstresses
gen. вынюхиваться
fig., inf. нюхнуть; нюхать; понюхать
Gruzovik, fig. вынюхать (pf of вынюхивать); нюхать (impf of понюхать); понюхать (pf of нюхать)
Gruzovik, inf. унюхать
idiom. разнюхать (While technically layover is not illegal, airlines can sniff it out and punish those who do it, with punishments ranging from revoking frequent flyer miles to outright bans from the airline. multilinguist); выяснить (While technically layover is not illegal, airlines can sniff it out and punish those who do it, with punishments ranging from revoking frequent flyer miles to outright bans from the airline. multilinguist); узнать (While technically layover is not illegal, airlines can sniff it out and punish those who do it, with punishments ranging from revoking frequent flyer miles to outright bans from the airline. multilinguist)
inf. унюхать; пронюхать (4uzhoj); разнюхать (4uzhoj); выдавать (You'd rather hide in your cave than deal with what's lurking outside. But no matter where you go, it'll sniff you out. VLZ_58); вычислить (особ. о детективе: So sure enough, one day their smart and stubborn detective sniffs them out. • "We only need to ID one more," I said. "I sniffed out four more last night." 4uzhoj)
Makarov. находить по запаху; вынюхивать; находить; разнюхивать
slang обнаружить (Interex); распознать (Interex); определить (I don't know what the problem is with your car, but our team will sniff it out in no time, the service manager said. Я не знаю что за проблема у вашей машины, но наша бригада определит это вмиг, сказал менеджер СТО. Interex)
sniff out
: 6 phrases in 1 subject