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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
SMP [ˌesem'piː] nstresses
gen. Партия молчаливого большинства. 2. США. Республиканская партия (Evgeny Shamlidi)
comp. симметрическая мультиобработка
SMP [ˌesem'piː] abbr.
comp., MS архитектура SMP (A multiprocessing operation in which multiple processors share the same memory, which contains one copy of the operating system, one copy of any applications that are in use, and one copy of the data. Because the operating system divides the workload into tasks and assigns those tasks to whatever processors are available, SMP reduces transaction time)
comp., net. симметричная мультипроцессорная обработка; симметричная мультиобработка; симметричная многопроцессорность; симметричный мультипроцессор; упрощённый протокол управления; простой протокол управления
dril. метафосфат натрия (sodium metaphosphate)
Gruzovik, mil. программа модернизации стратегических сил (Strategic Modernization Program)
math. полумарковский процесс (semi-Markovian process)
O&G, tengiz. КМТ (Конструкции механических трубопроводов dossoulle); Общестроительные, вентиляционные и трубоукладочные работы (Structural, mechanical and piping works Eleonora6088)
pipes., tradem. обозначение сварных труб малого диаметра, выпускаемых фирмой Sabean Metal Products SC (Эфиопия)
polym. модифицированный силиконом сложный полиэфир (Karabas)
softw. симметричная многопроцессорная обработка ("symmetric multiprocessing" Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
smp [ˌesem'piː] abbr.
IT sampler
.smp abbr.
file.ext. Sample (file name extension)
SMP [ˌesem'piː] abbr.
abbr. Smoke More Pot; Solutions Made Pocketable; Sounds Of Mass Production; Symmetric Multiple Penguins; Synchronous Membership Program; System Marginal Price; Systems Management Policy; Scanning Microscope Photometer; sensitized material print; Software Motion Picture (DEC); sound motion picture; Soviet Military Power (the publication); Stupid Money Pit; Switching Module Processor; Symbolic Manipulation Program; Symmetric Multi-Processor; Symmetric MultiProcessor (system, SMP); School Milk Programme (shpak_07); 1. The UK Political Force: the Silent Majority Party ‒ (Evgeny Shamlidi)
abbr., avia. Safety Management Plan; structure maintenance programmer; structural modification program; shape memory polymer; software management plan; standard maintenance program (procedure); standard manufacturing program; standard measurement program; stores management panel; stores management process; system management program; system manufacturing plan; Systems Management Processor (ВосьМой)
abbr., busin. safety management process (Е. Тамарченко, 03.05.2017 Евгений Тамарченко); sample; semi-manufactured products
abbr., chem. long-acting sulfonamides
abbr., clin.trial. Safety Management Plan (kreecher)
abbr., commun. Service Management Point (IN)
abbr., comp., net. Simple Management Protocol; symmetrical multiple processor; symmetrical multiprocessing
abbr., earth.sc. salt management potential; sludge management program; soil matric potential; South Mongolia Plate; specific mineral productivities; symmetrically multiprocessing
abbr., econ. significant market power (Alexander Oshis); social marginal productivity
abbr., ed. Special Milk Program
abbr., ed., scient. Synthesis And Modeling Project
abbr., el. symmetric multiprocessing (computer); self-measurement program; service management platform; shared memory multiprocessor architecture; shared memory pool; signaling management processor; signal microprocessor; single-mode probability; software maintenance programming; special maintenance project; standard manufacturing procedure; surface magnetoplasmon polariton; surface mounted package; system maintenance procedure; symbol manipulation program
abbr., file.ext. Program; Samplevision File (Samplevision Vosoni); Symbolic Manipulation; Symmetric Multiprocessor; Symmetrical Multi-Processing
abbr., fin. Securities Markets Programme (a precursor to OMT with less pre-conditions for activation x741); Securities Markets Program; staff-monitored program; staff monitored program; Senior Medicare Patrol program
abbr., food.ind. Small Meat Pizza; skim milk powder (Игорь_2006); Slip Melting Point (жиров hellamarama)
abbr., HF.electr. subminiature push-on; surface-mount package
abbr., insur. special multi-peril program
abbr., IT SaMPleVision Sound; Shared Memory Parallel; Simultaneous Multi Processing; Symmetric Multi Processing; System Modification Program; symmetric multi-processing (MichaelBurov); symmetric multiprocessing (MichaelBurov); symmetrical multi-processing (MichaelBurov); symmetrical multiprocessing (MichaelBurov); service management point; session management protocol
abbr., med. Safety Monitoring Program (Mumma); slowest moving protease; standard medical procedure/practice
abbr., mil. Simultaneous Membership Program; Symmetrical Multiprocessor; sub-motor pool
abbr., mil., air.def. standard message packed
abbr., mil., avia. soldier modernization plan
abbr., mil., WMD Site Monitoring Plan
abbr., milk. skimmed milk powder
abbr., O&G Single Point Mooring (MichaelBurov); VPU (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. structural, mechanical piping (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil sodium metaphosphate; servo meter panel; shape-memory remembered polymer; sorbitan monopalmitate; surface memory probes
abbr., pharm. sulfamethoxypyridazine
abbr., polit. Sex, Money, Power; Slow Migratory Propaganda
abbr., progr., IT Sco's Misappropriated Printdrivers
abbr., qual.cont. semi-Markov process
abbr., scottish Self Maintenance Period; Signature Management Program; Stores Management Processor; Surface Mine Plough (UK)
abbr., space sintered metal powder; strategic master plan; system management processor
abbr., sport. Skiers Must Perish
abbr., st.exch. Standard Motor Products, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Shoemaker Maclean And Pratt; Spider Monkey Productions
agric. Sucrose Monopalmitate
ecol. soluble microbial products
mil. scheduled maintenance program; ship maintenance planning data; standard maintenance procedure; standards, methods, and planning; summary maneuver plan; systems maintenance procedure; systems monitoring panel
stat. system of material production
tech. simulator modification package; symmetric multiprocessing structure
telecom., IT Symmetric Multiprocessing
smp: 20 phrases in 6 subjects
Computer networks9
Information technology6