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smooth sailingstresses
gen. лёгкая прогулка (He just kept talking and talking his nonstop sunny talk about what a great summer we were going to have and that he had tons of plans and that we would get caught up as father and son and soon all our rough past would be behind us and we would have nothing but smooth sailing for our future. george serebryakov)
Игорь Миг простая задача (translating The Donald has been smooth sailing for my Russian colleagues. – MBerdy.17); плёвое дело; как по накату; как по писаному; словно по писаному; семечки (разг.); накатом
fig. период, пока всё идёт как по маслу (Ремедиос_П); спокойный период (Ремедиос_П); штиль (Ремедиос_П)
idiom. идти гладко (не только о делах, но и дорожном движении: Highway 1 conditions getting worse East of Port Mann bridge. Smooth sailing through Vancouver/Burnaby, then snow covered roads. ART Vancouver); идти как по маслу (не только о делах, но и дорожном движении: Highway 1 conditions getting worse East of Port Mann bridge. Smooth sailing through Vancouver/Burnaby, then snow covered roads. ART Vancouver)
inf. идти как по маслу (The first portion of the test was difficult, but after that it was smooth sailing. assaria); развиваться гладко, без проблем (assaria)
smooth sailing
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