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smoke and mirrorsstresses
gen. отвлечение внимания (приём по отвлечению внимания: The new proposal brings no real changes–it's all just smoke and mirrors vogeler)
idiom. отвод глаз (Yeldar Azanbayev); запудривание мозгов (The cost of adding multiple Level II chargers could be prohibitive, if the service to the building(s) is already close to being maxed out. I've owned two EV, and likely not again anytime soon. Forget about it. It's all smoke and mirrors. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver); обман и дымовая завеса (The accounting department used a system of smoke and mirrors to hide their illegal activities – Бухгалтерский отдел использовал систему обмана и дымовой завесы, чтобы скрывать свою незаконную деятельность Taras); политические заявления или риторика, направленные на то, чтобы ввести людей в заблуждение (Taras); пыль в глаза (Баян); очковтирательство (Definition: something that seems good but is not real or effective and that is done especially to take attention away from something else that is embarrassing or unpleasant (Merriam-Webster): The cost of adding multiple Level II chargers could be prohibitive, if the service to the building(s) is already close to being maxed out. I've owned two EV, and likely not again anytime soon. Forget about it. It's all smoke and mirrors. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver); вешать лапшу на уши (The cost of adding multiple Level II chargers could be prohibitive, if the service to the building(s) is already close to being maxed out. I've owned two EV, and likely not again anytime soon. Forget about it. It's all smoke and mirrors. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
inf. надувательство (VLZ_58); пускание пыли в глаза (VLZ_58)
progr. дымовая завеса (антишаблон проектирования: демонстрация того, как будут выглядеть ненаписанные функции Telecaster)
it's all just smoke and mirrors
idiom. для отвода глаз (Telecaster)
idiom. пускать пыль в глаза (vlad-and-slav)
smoke and mirrors
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects