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shelter in placestresses
gen. попрятаться (Residents of a South African community were forced to shelter in place after a hippopotamus managed to escape a neighboring nature reserve and took to the streets. According to a local media report, the wild incident occurred early Saturday morning in the Cape Town suburb of Grassy Park. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); укрыться от опасности (Residents of a South African community were forced to shelter in place after a hippopotamus managed to escape a neighboring nature reserve and took to the streets. According to a local media report, the wild incident occurred early Saturday morning in the Cape Town suburb of Grassy Park. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); самоизоляция (grafleonov)
O&G. tech. укрытие на местах (ZhalgasT)
oil.proc. укрытие на месте (Nadir48/57)
sec.sys. занять ближайшее укрытие (an emergency procedure for people affected by a chemical accident or terrorist attack. It entails taking immediate shelter in a readily accessible location, such as a small room, and sealing it from outside contaminants and shutting off all HVAC systems. wikipedia.org Aiduza)
biotechn. экстренный сигнал (сигнал, подающийся в экстремальных ситуациях (при химических или радиоактивных выбросах))
O&G, casp. УНМ (Yeldar Azanbayev)
sec.sys. рекомендация-забаррикадироваться на месте нахождения (при стрельбе в здании Val_Ships)
Shelter in place
gen. карантин (Alice Volkov)
 English thesaurus
Shelter In Place
abbr., O&G, tengiz. SIP (Prastabah)
shelter-in- place
: 1 phrase in 1 subject