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send off ['send'ɔf]stresses
gen. отсылать (письмо, посылку); отослать (письмо, посылку); прогонять; прогнать; устроить проводы (smb.); отправлять (письмо, посылку); начало; почин; рецензия; выделять (испарения); провожать (в дорогу, в армию и т. п.: There was no flourish of trumpets and drums to send us off, no cheering crowds.); проводить (уходящего гостя, отправляющегося в дальний путь и т.п.: All the kids had poured out of the house with her to send him off when he left, just before midnight. • At the pier along Yokohama Harbor about 250 of our classmates, carrying the school flag before them, came to send off Uchimura and me.); отсылаться; спихивать; спихиваться; спихнуть; угнаться; угоняться; заказывать; отправить (отослать: Have you sent off your application yet? 4uzhoj); проводить в дорогу (At the pier along Yokohama Harbor about 250 of our classmates, carrying the school flag before them, came to send off Uchimura and me. 4uzhoj); посылать за чем-либо выписывать; устраивать проводы; препроводить (under guard); препровождать (under guard); устроить кому-л. проводы (smb.)
Gruzovik снарядить (pf of снаряжать); снаряжать (impf of снарядить); экспедировать (impf and pf)
Игорь Миг отправить в отставку; отправлять в отставку
fig. сплавить; сплавлять
fig., inf. действовать на кого-либо как снотворное (This work sends me off in no time – Эта работа действует на меня как снотворное • я от этой работы тут же засыпаю. Franka_LV); заставить моментально уснуть (В.И.Макаров)
footb., hockey. удалить (с поля за нарушение правил maystay); удалить с поля (Down in the stands, Dean Thomas was yelling, "Send him off, ref! Red card!" • Jol saw Moussa Dembele sent off in Krakow after an innocuous passage of play flared up, with Dembele pushing over Wisla's Gervasio Núñez after he caught him on the back of the ankle. Leonid Dzhepko); удалять с поля (www.perevod.kursk.ru); удалять (с поля www.perevod.kursk.ru)
Gruzovik, fig. спихивать (impf of спихнуть); спихнуть (pf of спихивать); сплавлять (impf of сплавить)
Gruzovik, inf. отфутболить; угнать (pf of угонять); угонять (impf of угнать); упечь (pf of упекать); упекать (impf of упечь)
Makarov. выделять; выписывать; направлять (за границу и т. п.); отправлять (на работу); отсылать (письмо, посылку и т. п.); посылать за (чем-либо); увольнять; отослать
nonstand. провести (уходящего гостя, отправляющегося в дальний путь и т.п.; то же, что "проводить")
sport. удалить с поля
send-off ['sendɔf]
gen. почин; торжественный выход после свадебной церемонии (при выходе новобрачных из храма гости бросают рис или лепестки роз collegia); начало; проводы
explan. различные формы пожелания удачи (в делах, планах, при какой-либо перемене в жизни, напр., отъезде, новой работе и т.п.); добрые пожелания (во время проводов)
nonstand. проводины (напр., проводины в армию, т.д. NBagniouk)
slang похороны
theatre. хвалебная рецензия; отзыв (особ. на премьеру); рецензия
 English thesaurus
send off ['send'ɔf]
gen. to send, to dispatch (Have you sent off your application yet? • After a medical procedure I will send off a sister ship to the sphere with the sickened savages. • While it's tempting to send off an email in response to something that has angered or disappointed you, resist the urge. wiktionary.org); to emit, to emanate (The human brain can send off power by thoughts and prayers. wiktionary.org); to provide a celebration for someone who is leaving, give a sendoff (There was no flourish of trumpets and drums to send us off, no cheering crowds. • The woman – tall, busty and seriously Afroed – had come to the door alone upon his arrival, but all the kids had poured out of the house with her to send him off when he left, just before midnight. • At the pier along Yokohama Harbor about 250 of our classmates, carrying the school flag before them, came to send off Uchimura and me. wiktionary.org); farewell party (as a noun; alternative form of "sendoff / send-off": The neighbor's send off party has been described and our almost daily excitement was getting to read the letter scheduled for that day. • She couldn't see the Met giving her a first class send off. wiktionary.org); funeral or memorial service (as a noun; alternative form of "sendoff / send-off": This is, of course, a motivating send off, one that encourages and uplifts your followers. • Many family members have expressed to me that their deceased loved one would have enjoyed a less-than-traditional send off — more of a party atmosphere than the normal visitation and ceremony complete with traditional hymns and a consoling sermon from a man of the cloth. wiktionary.org)
sport. to show someone a red card, and dismiss them from the playing area (Down in the stands, Dean Thomas was yelling, "Send him off, ref! Red card!" • Fehily blows the whistle and Ronan's going, 'Think he has a nose bleed, Fadder,' and all the other parents are going, 'He struck him, referee! Send him off!' and Fehily's giving it, 'I didn't see the incident,' lying, of course, just like he used to lie for me. • England secured their place at Euro 2012 with a scrambled draw in Montenegro - but Wayne Rooney was sent off and will miss the start of the tournament. • Just like he did when he reffed our clash with Chelsea when he failed to send off Eto'o for a kneehigh lunge on Henderson. wiktionary.org)
send off
: 62 phrases in 9 subjects
Humorous / Jocular1