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se abbr.stresses
gen. сэ (1. транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь; 2. транскрипции по системе Поливанова, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков японского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе Хэпбёрна Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr. Швеция (mar95952)
arch. таким образом; так, таким образом (Middle English Halfofthesky)
tech. самовозбуждающий
SE abbr.
bank. акционерный капитал (shareholders' equity); собственный капитал (shareholders' equity); фондовая биржа (stock exchange)
comp., net. сервисная аппаратура; сервисное оборудование
dril. вторичный эмульгатор (secondary emulsifier)
ed. социология и экономика (Sociology and Economics (Lebanese education system): Sociology and Economics, both, make up only 30% of the overall average. 45% of the overall average is on Arabic language, foreign language, Philosophy, History, Geography, and Civic Education. Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics make up 25% of the overall average. You can apply to majors such as Business, Political Science, Psychology, Translation, Languages, Communication, Philosophy, Nutrition, Interior Design etc. OstrichReal1979)
el. паразитная эмиссия; паразитное излучение
IT эффективность системы; системное проектирование; системотехника
law Societas Europaea лат. – европейская публичная компания (vim6); Европейское акционерное общество (Societas Europaea – лат. Форма собственности юридического лица, действующего в соответствии с европейским правом. Например, с июля 2008 года немецкий концерн WILO AG преобразован в WILO SE. ValeryKaribzhanov); МП (малое предприятие – small enterprise Morning93); ЕК CAP113 (Andrew052)
Makarov. вторичные электроны
math. система уравнений (simultaneous equations)
med.appl. энтропия состояния (GE HealthCare: The signals are processed into two entropy parameters, state entropy (SE) and response entropy (RE) Ying)
metrol. систематическая погрешность (carp)
nautic. азимут 135,00° (MichaelBurov); зюйд-ост (MichaelBurov); обедник (-поморское название MichaelBurov); румб 12 (MichaelBurov)
oil оборудование для технического обслуживания (service equipment)
ophtalm. сферический эквивалент (Тантра)
progr. поисковая машина-Searching Engine (см. Results engine ssn)
stat. стандартная погрешность (standard error); среднеквадратическая ошибка (standard error)
textile шёлк (silk Yuriy83)
Se abbr.
chem. селен
 English thesaurus
se abbr.
abbr. semiannual; single engine
abbr., earth.sc. selsyn
abbr., med. select
avia. south-cast
stat. standard error
se. abbr.
abbr., econ. securities
SE abbr.
abbr. sanitary engineer; sanitary engineering; semi-enclosed; single-ended; Self Employment; Self Esteem; Somewhere Else; South East; Sud Est; Systematic Error; Safe Enclosure; Sales Engineer; Sales Expert; Scalar Enhanced; Scientific And Engineering; Scouting Experimental; Second Epoch; Security Enhanced; Select Edition; Self Emulsifying; Self Enforced; Self Erecting; Semo Port Railroad Incorporated; Server Environment; Service / Systems Engineer; Service Engineer; Sexual Exploration; Shane Endicott; Super Expensive; Sheep Everywhere; Shift Enhancing; Shitty Edition; Shity Edition; Shotty Equipment; Sides And Ends; Silent Edition; Simple Edition; Simple Electronics; Simplicial Exact; Simplified Edition; Simplified Electronics; Simultaneous Engineering; single-end; Sled Edition; Slightly Enhanced; Slip End; Slow Edition; Slower Edition; Small End; Sniper Edition; Solar Empire; Soldered Edition; Somewhat Erratic; Sorry Excuse; Soul Emergence; south-east; south-eastern; space efforts; space exploration; Spandex Erection; Speech Enhancement; Spend Extra; Spirit Energy; Spiritual Expressions; Splinter Edition; Split End; Sport Edition; Sports Edition; Sports Entertainer; Sports Entertainment; Sports Extra; Stalking Evil; Standard / Special Edition (IBM, OS/2); Standard Elite; Standard Engine; Standard English; Stark Enterprises; Start End; Stat Editor; Status Enquiry (FR); Sterling Communications, Inc.; Stimulated Emission; Structured Expression; Student Edition; Student Exercises; Studio Edition; Substandard Edition; Substantially Equal; Sucker Edition; Sucky Edition; Sugar Enhanced; Supervisory Edition; Surface Effect; Surveillance Enhanced; Sweat Equity; Switching Element; Symmetry Equivalent; Synthetic Environment; System Engineer; System Expansion; System Extension; The Successor Of E
abbr., agric. starch equivalent
abbr., anim.husb. sterilizing effect; Society of Entomology (China)
abbr., auto. scavenging efficiency; sensor; super edition
abbr., avia. service engineering; shared environment; spares engineering; section; signal engineer; simplified english; special equipment (tool); starter electrode; static electricity; stored equipment; strain energy; Dairo Air Service Ltd (Cargo)
abbr., bank. service establishment (aht)
abbr., busin. Safety Engineering; shore excursion; single entry
abbr., chem. electrophilic substitution; sulfoethyl; servicing installation
abbr., chem., scient. Selenium
abbr., commer. Societas Europeas
abbr., comp., net. service equipment; software engineering; standard edition; system engineering
abbr., construct. stopped end; straight edge
abbr., dril. society of engineers
abbr., earth.sc. electromagnetic system; secondary effluent; secondary electrode; secondary electron; Seismic Engineering Company; seriate; serpentine; slow equations; soil extract; Soxhlet Extraction; spectral efficiency; square of the errors; standard Earth; state estimator; stochastic-empirical; surface equipment; synoptic eddies
abbr., ed. Sex Education; Special Education; Standard Error
abbr., el. SAN enabler; schematic editor; Schrodinger equation; selective etching; self-energy; sequential encoding; shared everything; shielding effectiveness; signal enhancer; sign extended; single exit; soft error; solvent evaporation; sonar equipment; sounding equipment; space equivalent; spectroellipsometry; spectroscopic ellipsometer; spontaneous emission; sputter etching; standard electrolyte; standard encoder; static eliminator; storage error; structuring element; supervisor equivalent; support entity; surface emitting; surface exciton; switching element; synchronous Ethernet; system equalizer
abbr., electr.eng. secondary electrons
abbr., energ.ind. Sustainable Energy (O_Lya)
abbr., exc.supp. sleep efficiency (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., expl. shock energy
abbr., fin. stockholders' equity; standard error of estimate
abbr., food.serv. surface energy
abbr., geogr. Southeast
abbr., inet. Search Engine; Simple And Easy
abbr., IT Software Entwicklung; Something Else; Starter Edition; System Error; system efficiency
abbr., lab.eq. Solvent Extraction; Sub-clinical Encephalopathy
abbr., law ЕК CAP113 (Andrew052)
abbr., Makarov. slurry explosive
abbr., math., scient. Single Ended
abbr., mech.eng. screwed end
abbr., med. Spurway-Eddowes (syndrome); side effects (побочные эффекты Dimpassy); systemic embolism (Desdichado); saline enema; self-explanatory; short-ear; sphenoethomoidal suture; sterol ester; substratum-enzyme; staphylococcal enterotoxin; spin-echo (Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., media. Second Edition; Sound Effects; Special Edition; Special Effects
abbr., mil. site exploitation; spherical error
abbr., mil., avia. service entrance
abbr., mil., WMD systems engineering
abbr., nautic. southeast (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., obs. SO (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Sakhalin Energy (Sakhalin Energy Investment Company); Sakhalin Energy Investment Company; site evaluation study
abbr., oil saponification equivalent; seal effective; secondary emission; sedimentation event; senior engineer; shear-wave exploration; simple elastic expansion; single end; skin effect; southeastern; special energy; stand-by engine; steam emulsion; structural exploration; stub end; student engineer; sugar ester; sustainer engine; NF screw end American National fine thread; safety earth; Sakhalin Energy SEIC; seals effective; secondary emulsifier; specific energy; successful efforts
abbr., perf. Self-emulsifying (Procyon_lotor)
abbr., pest.contr. suspo-emulsion
abbr., physiol. Spongiform Encephalopathy; Squamous Epithelium; Status Epilepticus; Sub-Epidermal
abbr., physiol., med. Safe And Effective
abbr., plast. sound emission
abbr., polit. Sweden; Seychelles
abbr., polym. secondary esterification; self-extinguishing
abbr., progr. Storage Element (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Standard Edition
abbr., scient. Software Engineering
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Sweden); Sanitary Evacuation; Signal Excess
abbr., semicond. selective epitaxy
abbr., softw. software environment (igisheva)
abbr., soil. saturation extract
abbr., space servicing echelon; space element
abbr., sport. standard error
abbr., stat. Standard Error (iwona)
abbr., tech. equipment
abbr., typogr. sprinkled edge
energ.ind. significant events; simulation experiment; sinergistical effect; stack effect; stationary engine; supplied electricity
invest. shareholders' equity; stock exchange
meteorol. single-engined
mil. safety; safety evaluation; service echelon; Southeastern; special equipment; spherical eyeball; staff engineer; standardization and evaluation; support equipment; system effectiveness; system element
O&G state enterprise
phys. spectroscopic ellipsometry
tech. set; shift engineer; ship eliminator; significant event; sound effect; space electronics; spurious emission; subcritical experiment
Se abbr.
abbr. selection; Selenium; secretor gene
abbr., earth.sc. sellaite
abbr., med. selenium; secretor
abbr., oil securities; sericite
SEIC abbr.
abbr., O&G, sakh. Sakhalin Energy (Investment Co. Sakhalin Energy)
μsec abbr.
abbr. microsecond
SE. abbr.
abbr., econ. standard error
: 127 phrases in 48 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Court law3
Criminal law1
Economic law1
Gold mining2
Information technology1
Mass media3
Material safety data sheet1
Notarial practice5
Nuclear and fusion power1
Oceanography & oceanology1
Oil / petroleum2
Philately / stamp collecting2
Power system protection3
Quantum electronics1
Sakhalin R1
Textile industry1
United Nations1