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says who?stresses
says me
inf. это кто такое говорит?! (4uzhoj); это кто такое сказал?! (who claims the truth of this statement, which I don't believe?: "You can't take those files to the police!" "Oh, really? Says who–you?" 4uzhoj); это с какого перепугу? (ответом в данном случае ("с такого") будет "says me" (часто встречается в нарочито просторечной записи "sez me") 4uzhoj); это с какой радости? (в данном случае ответом ("с такой") будет "says me" (часто в нарочито просторечной записи "sez me") 4uzhoj)
 English thesaurus
says who?
inf. used when you are arguing with someone, to show that you do not accept or agree with what they say (You're the best? Says who? cambridge.org); who says so, on whose authority? (Usage notes: Usually used in a confrontational manner, to show doubt in veracity or authority of the person to whom the statement is directed; often followed by a question mark wiktionary.org); who claims the truth of this statement, which I don't believe? (That horse of your will never win a race. — Says who? dictionary.com); on whose authority, according to whom? (Used to express disagreement with or defiance against something that someone has just said: "There's no way a pipsqueak like you can win this race!" "Oh yeah? Says who?" • "You can't take those files to the police!" "Oh, really? Says who—you?" thefreedictionary.com)
say whose: 41 phrases in 9 subjects