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rm abbr.stresses
gen. комната; помещение
abbr., unit.meas. м. п. (метр погонный – running meter/metre petyaeva)
electr.eng. мп (running meter; метр погонный ffynnon.garw)
tech. множитель; множитель частоты; пог.м (MichaelBurov); погонных м (MichaelBurov); погонных метров (MichaelBurov)
RM abbr.
gen. менеджер по регистрации (документов (registration manager) aleem); эталонный материал (Reference Material – ACLASS (в лаборатории) ulkomaalainen)
abbr. малайзийский ринггит (денежная единица Малайзии sprinter)
astronaut. исследовательский модуль
bank. менеджер по работе с клиентами (Relationship manager Marina Ogullo)
busin. малайский ринггит (tentra)
cables монтируемый в монтажный конструктив (MichaelBurov)
comp., net. администратор ресурсов
dril. буровой мастер (rig manager Xeg)
econ. regional manager региональный управляющий (dimock)
el. обозначение для подвижных береговых радионавигационных станций (принятое МСЭ)
fin. управление рисками (сокр. от "risk management" Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, scient. дистанционный манипулятор (remote manipulator); удалённый манипулятор (remote manipulator); манипуляционный робот (robotic manipulator)
hindi МО Индии (Raksha Mantri = Ministry of Defence Шандор)
law, copyr. защищён авторским правом (rights managed saga-pretender)
med. ПМ (... EVA)
mil., artil. ракетная система залпового огня (WiseSnake); многоствольная ракетная установка (WiseSnake)
oil надёжность и ремонтопригодность (reliability and maintainability); профилактическое техническое обслуживание (routine maintenance); ремонт и техническое обслуживание (repair and maintenance)
pharm. сырьевой материал (Raw Material irinaloza23)
sport. Одно повторение (repetition maximum; Выполнение одного повторения с максимальным весом. x-z)
tech., abbr. обозначение для подвижных береговых радионавигационных станций (МСЭ)
Rm abbr.
geophys. удельное сопротивление фильтрата бурового раствора (MichaelBurov); сопротивление фильтрата бурового раствора (MichaelBurov); электрическое сопротивление фильтрата бурового раствора (MichaelBurov)
met.sci. предельная прочность на разрыв (ultimate tensile strength Vladimir Petrakov)
O&G удельное сопротивление глинистого раствора (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sakh. удельное сопротивление бурового раствора (mud resistivity)
shipb. предел прочности на растяжение (Natalya Rovina)
 English thesaurus
rm abbr.
abbr. radarman; lineal meters (MichaelBurov); vector of a moment center; meter of run (MichaelBurov); linear meter (MichaelBurov); line meter (MichaelBurov); long meter (MichaelBurov); lineal meter (MichaelBurov); metre of run (MichaelBurov); linear metre (MichaelBurov); line metre (MichaelBurov); long metre (MichaelBurov); lineal metre (MichaelBurov); running meters (MichaelBurov); meters of run (MichaelBurov); linear meters (MichaelBurov); line meters (MichaelBurov); long meters (MichaelBurov); running metres (MichaelBurov); metres of run (MichaelBurov); linear metres (MichaelBurov); line metres (MichaelBurov); long metres (MichaelBurov); lineal metres (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. remanent magnetism
abbr., nucl.phys. röntgen-equivalent-man
abbr., tech. running meter (MichaelBurov); running metre (MichaelBurov)
O&G ream
rm. abbr.
abbr. room
abbr., earth.sc. real multiply
abbr., tech. reverse motion
RM abbr.
abbr. Regional Manager; Risk Management; Room; Racial Matter; Radio Mountain; Randy Morris; range marks; Range Master; Raster Manager; raw material; Read Mode; Reconfiguration Module; records management (Records management, or RM, is the practice of maintaining the records of an organization from the time they are created up to their eventual disposal. This may include classifying, storing, securing, and destruction (or in some cases, archival preservation) of records. wiki Alexander Demidov); Recovery Manager; refuelling machine (перегрузочная машина Ananaska); Refrigerator Mobile; Registered Mail; registered mail (заказная почта Yuriy83); reliability and maintainability; Relic Magnum; Remote Manageability; Remove Monte; Remy Martin; Render Monster; Repeat Maximum; Repetition Maximum; reports&memoranda; Requirements Management; Rescue Me; Reserve Memory; Resident Magistrate; Retained Mode; Retention Module; Return Missionary; Returning Missionary; Rhaeto- Romance; Rich Muller; River Mile; Rob Mullins; Rob Myers; Robbie Miranda; Roman Missal; Rotation Measure; Royal Mail; Run Mode; Running Man; refraction, molecular; Rocky Mount; Royal Marines
abbr., account. raw materials
abbr., AI. Risk Minimization
abbr., anim.husb. relative mature
abbr., auto. relay module; reference mass
abbr., automat. reference marker
abbr., avia. radar monitoring; radio magnetic; range marking; refrigerating machine; registration markings; repair method; repertory manager; reports and memorandum; resupply module; risk monitoring; rotational mold; routing maintenance; rubber mold; runway marking
abbr., busin. remittance; revolutions per minute; risks management
abbr., cables rack mount (MichaelBurov); rack mounted (MichaelBurov)
abbr., cartogr. radio marker; referring mark
abbr., comp., net. resource manager
abbr., construct. RM method (MichaelBurov)
abbr., conv.notation. Malaysian ringgit (igisheva)
abbr., desert. relative maturity
abbr., dril. reaming
abbr., earth.sc. radar mapper; radiometry; radon method; ratio of nuclear magnetic moments (excited to ground); real model; recessional moraine; regional model; relative mean values; ring-morphostructures; river mountains; ruby mountains
abbr., econ. Reliability Management; returned material report
abbr., ed. Reference Materials; Role Model
abbr., el. radiogram motor; radio module; Raman mixing; rate multiplier; reactance modulator; readout matrix; reasoning machine; record manager; recovery metaprogram; Reed-Muller code; reflection modulation; relational memory; relative motion; remelt; remote monitor; remote module; resource module; response message; ring modulator; route management; routing matrix; running manual
abbr., electr.eng. reserve monitor
abbr., file.ext. Reset Mode
abbr., fin. high-powered money; Resource Management Division
abbr., IT record mark; reference manual
abbr., med. Respiratory Movement; Respiratory Muscle; Registered Midwife; rhabdomyolysis; recall memory; reflectance meter/dextrostix; resistive movement
abbr., met. rolling mill (Jack)
abbr., mil. Rack Mount; Reference Model; Resource Management; ramp module; recovery mechanism; resource management; risk management
abbr., mil., avia. rack-mounted
abbr., mil., WMD Reaction mass; reference method
abbr., O&G refining & marketing (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. running metre
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. rig module
abbr., oil mud resistivity (andrushin); reservoir model (serz); roadmap; ratio of nuclear magnetic moments; ready money; real multiply; research method; reservoir modeling; reservoir monitoring; reverse mark; ring micrometer; ripple mark; risk money; Rocky Mountains; rotating machine; rough machine
abbr., org.name. Resource Management and Accountability Department
abbr., physiol. Redemptive Movement
abbr., polit. Republic of Marshall Islands
abbr., polym. Reichert-Meissl number; resistance moment; reverse motion; Ruben-Meilory
abbr., post Room (mailing address abbreviation)
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Madagascar); Radio Maintenance; Royal Marines (UK)
abbr., securit. reverse merger
abbr., space radar mast; radiation meteoroid; read memory; read-out matrix; reconnaissance missile; rendezvous maneuver; rescue module; research missile; resourse module
abbr., surg. resection margin (Ying)
abbr., tech. righting moment
abbr., weld. removable metal (временная подкладка под сварочный шов Technical)
energ.ind. radiation management; radiometric monitoring; redundancy management; reference material; regional municipality; residential meter; routine monitoring
mil. radar mapping; radar missile; radiation measurement; radiation monitoring; radio message; radio monitoring; radiological monitoring; Radioman; radiometeorology; range mark; reference mark; regulations for mobilization; remedial maintenance; repair manual; repair materials; research memorandum; reserve management; returned material; routine maintenance
O&G remote measuring
tech. molecular refraction; radiation monitor; radio map; radio marker beacon; radio monitor; radiometric monitor; reactor manufacturer; receiver, mobile; receiving mirror; remote control; remote manipulator; remote manual; remote metering; remote multiplexer; repair and maintenance; rest mass; return on minus; route manager; rulemaking; running meter
Rm abbr.
abbr. mud filtrate resistivity (MichaelBurov); Rmf (MichaelBurov); drilling mud resistivity; rate of march of the motors; room temperature
abbr., O&G mud resistivity (MichaelBurov)
abbr., phys. reluctance
energ.ind. metal wall resistance
Rm. abbr.
abbr., econ. ream
: 155 phrases in 26 subjects
Analytical chemistry3
Cables and cable production1
Computer networks2
Electrical engineering1
Information security and data protection1
Information technology5
Mass media1
Nuclear and fusion power1
Quality control and standards1
Weapons of mass destruction2