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gen. остаться неизвестным (напр., о лице, пожертвовавшим сумму или о свидетеле чего-л.; добровольное решение: According to the man, who opted to remain anonymous when speaking to a Peruvian media outlet, the incident began when he was making his rounds that evening and stumbled upon what he thought was a little girl crying. Understandably concerned, he asked her what was wrong and the troubled youngster explained that she was looking for her mother, who worked in the market's meat department. The guard claims that he offered to bring the girl to his security office, but she wanted to stay put and wait for her mother. The man says that he subsequently left to get some help with the situation and, when he returned, the youngster was nowhere to be found. When he later looked at the security footage from his run-in with the little girl, the guard was shocked to discover that the video showed him speaking and interacting with thin air. -- пожелал остаться неизвестным (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
remain anonymous: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Mass media1