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rear areastresses
Gruzovik, mil. тыловая полоса; глубокий тыл
mil. тыловая зона (Andrey Truhachev); район расположения второго резерва; район расположения второго эшелона; тыловой район; тыл
 English thesaurus
rear area
mil., logist. Part of a unit's area of action where the main part of its logistical assets are deployed, as well as its implementation CP. For a theater, the rear area is, in principle, under the responsibility of a rear area command commander. 2. For any particular command, the area extending forward from its rear boundary to the rear of the area of responsibility of the next lower level of command. This area is provided primarily for the performance of combat service support functions. (FRA)
rear area
: 77 phrases in 5 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Foreign affairs1