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purchase optionsstresses
gen. варианты совершения покупок (пример:  Such practices reflect the assumption that a customer who delayed purchase may be less eager, more price sensitive, or considering other purchase options. A.Rezvov)
purchase option
gen. последующая возможность покупки (Alexander Demidov); возможность последующей покупки (Alexander Demidov); право выкупа (e.g., lease with a purchase option: Should the lessee choose to buy, his security deposit would be credited against the cost of the airplane at the time he exercises his purchase option. Alexander Demidov); покупной опцион (The right given to a vehicle lessee to purchase the vehicle at the end of the lease term for an amount equal to the vehicles residual value. Found on edmunds.com Alexander Demidov)
bank. право купить ценные бумаги
busin. опцион на закупки
econ. опцион на закупку
fin. преимущественное право решать, где производить закупки (сырья)
law последующий выкуп (A purchase option is often short-term and grants the holder the freedom to buy the property at an agreed price within a specified period of time. residentiallandlord.co.uk Alexander Demidov)
st.exch. опцион покупателя
purchase options
: 24 phrases in 10 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
SAP finance2