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public propertystresses
gen. общественное имущество (1. (law) land, buildings, etc. that are owned by the government and can be used by everyone The youths were convicted of defacing public property. 2. a person or thing that everyone has a right to know about Sophie became public property when she married into the royal family. OALD. information that is available to everyone and is not secret. MED Alexander Demidov); государственное имущество (especially law) land, buildings, etc. that are owned by the government and can be used by everyone: The youths were convicted of defacing public property. OALD Alexander Demidov); публичная собственность (Public property is property, which is dedicated to the use of the public. It is a subset of state property. The term may be used either to describe the use to which the property is put, or to describe the character of its ownership (owned collectively by the population of a state). This is in contrast to private property, owned by an individual person or artificial entities that represent the financial interests of persons, such as corporations. State ownership, also called public ownership, government ownership or state property, are property interests that are vested in the state, rather than an individual or communities. WK – АД); публичная собственность (Alexander Demidov); народное достояние (Живем в каком-то жутком мире, где все продаётся. Разбазаривают с молотка народное достояние. Первой продали совесть, а дальше легче пошло. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
adv. общественная собственность (государственная и местных муниципальных органов)
agric. коллективная собственность
dipl. общественная собственность (государственная и мест ных муниципальных органов)
econ. общественная собственность
law муниципальная собственность; государственная собственность (Public property is property, which is dedicated to the use of the public. It is a subset of state property. The term may be used either to describe the use to which the property is put, or to describe the character of its ownership (owned collectively by the population of a state). This is in contrast to private property, owned by an individual person or artificial entities that represent the financial interests of persons, such as corporations.[1] State ownership, also called public ownership, government ownership or state property, are property interests that are vested in the state, rather than an individual or communities. WAD Alexander Demidov)
mar.law государственная собственность
notar. вещи общего пользования
progr. публичное свойство (напр., класса Alex_Odeychuk)
soviet. государственное достояние (Сразу после революции все леса были объявлены государственным достоянием. Boris Gorelik); всенародное достояние (Земля в СССР – всенародное достояние. ИКПСС, 647. Boris Gorelik); народное добро (На таких "мелочах" воспитывается бережное отношение к народному добру. Комс. прожектор, 63. Boris Gorelik); государственное добро (Заведующий холодильником распоряжался государственным добром, как своим личным. ЧиЗ, 1983, № 10, 46. Boris Gorelik)
public property
: 26 phrases in 12 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Criminal law1
Notarial practice4