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physical training ['fɪzɪk(ə)l'treɪnɪŋ]stresses
gen. физическая подготовка; физическая подготовка (AD); гимнастика; физическая культура
Gruzovik физзарядка (физическая зарядка); физическая закалка
ed. физическое воспитание (учебный предмет)
Gruzovik, abbr. физподготовка (Это сокращение, а не существительное; физкультурная подготовка)
Gruzovik, sport. физическая подготовка
med. физкультура (old-fashioned) training and practice in sports, gymnastics, etc, as in schools and colleges The abbreviation for physical training is PT Example Sentences Including "physical training" Romans 12:1) For physical training is of some value... 1 Timothy 4:8) Munro, Bill Dr. & Munro, Frances BEAT STRESS I used to be a physical training instructor in the Army and I use a gym at a barracks in Kent. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES 2002) It combines academic studies in law, procedures and policy with practical exercises and physical training. THE ADVERTISER, SUNDAY MAIL 2005) On that occasion they looked rusty and like a team engaged in HEAVY physical training. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD 2001) With Mr Hennessy, Fun Perry was coached to competitive level with a combination of feeding and physical training. IRISH TIMES 2002). Collins); физкультура
OHS физические упражнения
physical readiness training ['fɪzɪk(ə)l'treɪnɪŋ]
mil. физическая подготовка
physical training
: 46 phrases in 8 subjects
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