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peacekeeping operationsstresses
mil. операции по поддержанию мира
peacekeeping operation
foreig.aff. миротворческая операция
 English thesaurus
peacekeeping operations
mil., logist. Multitasking operations with a strong military component whose aim is to make the implementation of a peace agreement easier. They are generally conducted under chapter VI of the UN Charter with the consent of all the main parties involved in the conflict. (FRA)
peacekeeping operation
mil., logist. A peace support operation following an agreement or ceasefire that has established a permissive environment where the level of consent and compliance is high, and the threat of disruption is low. The use of force by peacekeepers is normally limited to self-defence. Related terms: conflict prevention; peacebuilding; peacemaking; peace support operation. (NATO)
peacekeeping operations
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Foreign affairs2
International relations1
United Nations1