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out therestresses
be out there; get out there
gen. за пределами (чего угодно: дома, города, страны, планеты q3mi4); на улице (referring to outside: It's getting beautifully cold out there. • It may be raining out there but it's toasty warm in here and we've got hundred of fresh donuts and great coffee! 4uzhoj); в мире (in the world at large: There are a lot of crazy people out there. • All the land out there had been under water once. 4uzhoj); служебная фраза-- зачастую используется как ничего не значащее дополнение (you are the exact woman most men out there are looking for – как раз о такой женщине, как ты, мечтают многие мужчины Dyatlova Natalia); вон там (Damirules); туда (обыкн. в какое-либо удалённое место: It's a tiny island, just a big rock with a sandy beach on one side. Sometimes we would go out there to have a picnic when I was younger. • Fishing is the most popular purpose for taking off-road vehicles onto the sand, a park service spokeswoman said. Other beach drivers are out there to watch birds or just get away from the crowds. 4uzhoj); где-то там; там (обыкн. о каком-либо удалённом месте; far out); там (обыкн. о каком-либо удалённом месте; far out: How do you like it out there in Paris? • [while looking at the night sky:] "I wonder if anyone else it out there…"); снаружи (referring to outside: "What was that noise out there?" • "Don't worry; there's nothing out there." q3mi4); где-то (in a place that could be anywhere except here: My real father is out there and one day I plan to find him. 4uzhoj)
amer. там снаружи (- Yeah, but that creature is still out there... – Out there? There is no out there!; Your house is way out there! Askar_Bazarbay); там где-то далеко (Askar_Bazarbay); здесь (hothouse); рядом (hothouse); поблизости (hothouse)
chem. там
cinema где-то рядом (Oleksandr Spirin)
euph. не от мира сего (strange, very different, particularly odd, crazy: She's definitely a bit out there, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. 4uzhoj); странный (strange, very different, particularly odd, crazy) 4uzhoj); оторванный от реальности (strange, very different, particularly odd: His hypothesis is really out there. • Sheila's ideas can be way out there sometimes. 4uzhoj)
fig. на свете (in the world at large: There are a lot of crazy people out there. • All the land out there had been under water once. 4uzhoj); на виду (=на публике 4uzhoj); на публике (in the public eye: If you want to improve your public speaking, you should put yourself out there more. • It has taken her a long time to learn the plays, and she still looks uncomfortable out there. 4uzhoj); у всех на слуху (God, this had to be rough for Michel. Patrick knew the feeling. Your kid’s name out there, a talking point for the world. Abysslooker)
inf. не соответствует принятым нормам и стандартам (nadyaim); там, за пределами (чего угодно: дома, города, страны, планеты q3mi4); вырубиться (Mike, were you out there last night? yea, I had a fifth of vodka and a couple of Xanax, I was way out there last night! VLZ_58); отключиться (VLZ_58); неправдоподобно (It sounds pretty out there, but experts say... joyand); настолько особенный, что кажется психически неуравновешенным (nadyaim); рассеянный (nadyaim); неадекватный (crazy; so unusual that it might seem silly or extreme) Ms Plibersek responded there was nothing controversial about suggesting that some of Mr Trump's ideas "are a little bit out there." 4uzhoj); сумасшедший (nadyaim); чокнутый (nadyaim); сумасбродный (It's a good day to share your more "out there" ideas with the world. VLZ_58); оригинальный (It's a good day to share your more "out there" ideas with the world. VLZ_58); нестандартный (VLZ_58); ненормальный (Ремедиос_П); существующий (So those are the two main types of this technology out there. ART Vancouver); где-то там (ну как не вспомнить "Секретные материалы"! 4uzhoj); душевнобольной (nadyaim)
mil., lingo за пределами метрополии (MichaelBurov); на фронте (MichaelBurov)
rhetor. имеющий место быть (существующий Alex_Odeychuk)
unions. нездешний (Кунделев)
 English thesaurus
out there
abbr. be out there (4uzhoj)
out there
: 191 phrases in 23 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Figure of speech4
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Humorous / Jocular1
Quotes and aphorisms2