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OCS nstresses
account. оптимальная структура капитала (optimal capital structure)
comp., net. учрежденческая система связи
dril. глубоководный континентальный шельф (outer continental shelf)
oil внешний континентальный шельф (outer continental shelf)
OC n
brit. королевский адвокат (Queen's Counsel)
dril. работы начаты (operations commenced)
sl., drug. оксикодон
OCS abbr.
chem. сульфидоксид углерода (MichaelBurov); карбонилсульфид (MichaelBurov); сероокись углерода (MichaelBurov); сероксид углерода (MichaelBurov)
electric. Система контактной сети (overhead catenary system eugeene1979)
psychiat. обсессивно-компульсивное расстройство (MichaelBurov); ОКР (MichaelBurov)
SAP.tech. служба Online Correction Support
telecom. Фильтрация вызовов в зависимости от исходящего направления (Originating call screening ALAB)
 English thesaurus
OC abbr.
abbr. optical coupler; odor control; oil cake; open-circuited; Ordnance Committee; oxygen consumed
abbr., avia. object code; of course; on condition; operating certificate; operations channel; optical circulator; order canceled; order card; overload control; oversale cost
abbr., busin. office copy; operation and checkout; optional cargo
abbr., commer. office de change; oil corporation
abbr., earth.sc. occurs; old-channelized; organic chlorine; organochlorine; organic colloids; organic correlation; orthogonal collocation; outward collection; oxygenation capacity; oxygen consumption
abbr., electric. operating coil
abbr., oil oceanic crust; office computer; official office copy; offset continuation; ogive compact; Oil and Gas Investigations Charts; outlet contact; oil corporations; on course; open chain; open channel; open choke; operating control; operation code; opposite comer; optimizing control; optional outward cargo; original crater; orthoclase; our cable; our copy; outcrop character; ovoid compact; oxygen consumption (consumed)
abbr., space officer in charge; operational concept; optical communication; optimized control; over-current
abbr., tech. oil cooler
abbr., textile over the counter
OCS abbr.
abbr. Occupancy Control System; Office of Community Services; One Complete Solution; Orthopaedic Certified Specialist; Overnight Comparison System; Occupancy control system (Yeldar Azanbayev); Office of Communications Systems; Office of the Chief Surgeon; Officer Cadet School; Open Cabling System; option on credit spread (Alexander Matytsin)
abbr., auto. Occupant Classification System (translator911); overdrive cancel switch; Open Center System; oxidizing catalytic converter system
abbr., avia. obstacle clearance surface; off center sweeps; on-board checkout systems; operating control system; operations computing system; optical coherent system; optical contrast seeker; optimum-cost speed; overall customer satisfaction; obstruction clearance speed; onboard checkout system; operational control system; overall customers satisfaction; overseas communication service
abbr., chem. carbonyl sulfide (MichaelBurov); carbonyl sulphide (MichaelBurov); COS (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. office communication system; optical circuit switching
abbr., earth.sc. ocean colour scanner; organic complex; organic content of the sediment; oscillating colour sequence; over-speed control system
abbr., ed. Officers' Candidate School
abbr., ed., scient. On Campus Session
abbr., el. object compatibility standard; object communications server; office computer system; office communications system; Office of Communications System; one-color source; open-circuit stable; operator connection set; optical chemical sensor; optoelectronic crossbar switch; order communications system; outside cable system
abbr., el., scient. Open Control System; Optical Convergence Switch
abbr., electr.eng. overhead contact system
abbr., file.ext. On-Card Sequencer; Output Control Subsystem
abbr., geol., scient. Outer Continental Shelf
abbr., inet. Open Content Syndication; Other Cool Stuff
abbr., IT Output Control Software
abbr., Makarov. open-circuit stub
abbr., med. Occipital Condyle Syndrome; Oxford Conception Study; Oral corticosteroids (bajituka); organ care system (система (или устройство) для хранения органов для трансплантации Val_Ships); Office, Chief Surgeon; open canalicular system
abbr., mil. Officer Candidate School; operational contract support
abbr., nautic., scient. Office of the Chief Scientist
abbr., oil offset checkshort survey; Ocean Shipping Consultants Ltd.; oil collecting stations; one-control switch; open-circuit-stable; optimizing control system; organic clay stabilizer; outer coarse syenite
abbr., phys., scient. On-Chip Spectroscopy; Optical Calibration Sphere
abbr., physiol., med. Only Child Syndrome
abbr., police Operation Clean Sweep
abbr., post One Code Solution (new name for 4 state customer barcode USPS 2006)
abbr., progr., IT Operator Communications Software
abbr., railw. Overhead Contact Line System
abbr., relig. Only Christ Saves
abbr., scottish Obstacle Clearance Surface; Officers Command School (UK); Operational Control Segment; Original Combat System
abbr., space on-board check-out system; operation control system; orbit control system; order control system; overload control subsystem; Overseas Communications Service
abbr., sport. On The Course Side; Opposition Caught Stealing
abbr., telecom. Online Charging System (Reklama); originating call screening
abbr., textile on company service
abbr., tradem. Overnight Courier Service
ecol. outer continental shelf
energ.ind. off-gas clean-up system; operating cost saving
mil. Offensive Counterspace; operating characteristics; optical contact sensor; optical control system
phys. On chip Spectroscopy
tech. ocean color scanner; on-board checkout system; operational call sign; operational characteristics; operations control system; optical character scanner; optical communications system; optimal capital structure; oscillating color sequence; overspeed control system
wood. outside chip storage
ocs: 3 phrases in 3 subjects