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ngl abbr.stresses
dril. широкая фракция лёгких углеводородов (Natural gas liquids; ШФЛУ)
O&G, sahk.r. спектральный гамма-каротаж (СГК; natural gamma log)
NGL abbr.
construct. НО (natural ground level – натурная отметка Aleks_Teri)
dril. газоконденсатные жидкости (natural gas liquids)
O&G газоконденсат (MichaelBurov); газовый конденсат (MichaelBurov); газ. конденсат (MichaelBurov); газ-конденсат (MichaelBurov); ГК (MichaelBurov); газоконденсатный (MichaelBurov)
O&G, karach. газоконденсатная жидкость (natural gas liquids Leonid Dzhepko)
O&G, sakh. СГК (natural gamma log); спектральный гамма-каротаж (natural gamma log); ШФЛУ (natural gas liquids)
oil газоконденсатная жидкость (natural gas liquid); природный газоконденсат (natural gas liquid)
 English thesaurus
ngl abbr.
abbr. nitroglycerine
slang not gonna lie (UK slang: ngl i'm pissed fam chiefcanelo)
NGL abbr.
abbr. induced gamma-ray logging; neutron gamma-ray logging; New Guinea
abbr., anim.husb. no gross lesion
abbr., earth.sc. natural gas liquefaction; near ground level
abbr., el. neon glow lamp; next-generation lithography technology
abbr., geol. Natural Ground Level (City Monk)
abbr., inf. not gonna lie (Plasticine)
abbr., mil., avia. next-generation launcher
abbr., O&G gas condensate (MichaelBurov); gas-condensate (MichaelBurov); natural gas liquid (MichaelBurov); NGLs (MichaelBurov); natural gas liquids (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. natural gamma log; natural gamma-ray log; Natural Gas Liquid; natural gas liquids
abbr., O&G, sakh. natural gas liquids (liquefied hydrocarbons produced during natural gas processing. NGL includes ethane, propane along with heavier hydrocarbons)
abbr., oil neutron gamma logging; NGT; neutron-gamma ray log; natural gas liquids
abbr., scottish Normalair-Garrett Ltd (UK)
abbr., space national goal lever; natural-gas liquids; neutral gas laser; noble gas laser
abbr., tradem. National Guardian Life
mil. neodymium glass laser
NGL -- abbr.
abbr. natural gamma-ray log
: 35 phrases in 13 subjects
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas6
Oil and gas technology1
Oil processing plants1
Sakhalin A1