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MNR abbr.stresses
Gruzovik, mil. массированный ответный ядерный удар (massive nuclear retaliation)
math. максимальный нормированный остаток (maximum normed residual)
 English thesaurus
mnr abbr.
mil. massive nuclear retaliation
O&G minor
MNR abbr.
abbr. Ministry Of Natural Resources; Minnesota River; Montana Natural Resources; Minimum Noise Routes
abbr., afr. Mozambique National Resistence
abbr., earth.sc. ministry of natural resources (Canada); monitor
abbr., el. masking to noise ratio; modulated nuclear radiation
abbr., fishery maximum net revenue
abbr., media. Malta Network Resources; Mike Nola Radio
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic nuclear resonance
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Ministry of Natural Resources of the RF
abbr., O&G, sakh. Ministry of Natural Resources (Russian Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil maximum number of records; methyl naphthalene ratio
abbr., scottish Marine Nationale Republique (Cameroon Navy); Mozambique National Resistance
abbr., tradem. Mottnick Racing
abbr., wareh. maintenance and repair (о контейнерах Ying)
energ.ind. multipleness redundancy
tech. minimum noise route
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Oil and gas2