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mistress ['mɪstrɪs] nstresses
headmistress; master
gen. хозяйка (хозяйка дома, собаки и проч.; тж. и в переносном смысле: Whether mongrels or thoroughbreds … dogs have shared their masters' and mistresses' experiences in almost all walks of life. • She intends to remain mistress of her own life when she gets married. • She appeared to be very much the mistress of the situation. • "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress" – "Луна – суровая хозяйка"); госпожа (a woman who employs or supervises servants: The maid looked nervously at her mistress. • The servants were required to do their mistress's bidding without question. • Также и в переносном смысле – something personified as female that rules, directs, or dominates: You are your own mistress – Вы сами себе госпожа. • Yet he was sharp and self-interested enough (serving, that is, his demanding mistress, Painting) to write more than 400 letters …); любовница (a woman other than his wife with whom a married man has a continuing sexual relationship); пассия (a woman other than his wife with whom a married man has a continuing sexual relationship: The team deduced that Tischenko was in fact the erstwhile Kazakh banker's mistress. scherfas); содержанка (a female companion to a master (a man with control, authority or ownership); владелица (a woman who possesses, owns, or controls something 4uzhoj); обладательница (a woman who possesses, owns, or controls something: the mistress of a large fortune 4uzhoj); мастер (о женщине: You learn how to chop throats and gouge eyes and stomp insteps … and after eight weeks you're given your diploma, which officially declares you a mistress of unarmed combat. • After penning several apocalyptic books, she became known as the mistress of doom. 4uzhoj); барыня; сударыня (перед именами собственными); наставница; учительница; преподавательница; мастерица; знаток; сведущая; владелица (чего-л.); ухаживать за
amer. миссис (chiefly Southern US and Midland US – used as a conventional title of courtesy except when usage requires the substitution of a title of rank or an honorific or professional title before a married woman's surname)
ed., BrE учительница (chiefly British) a female teacher or tutor; male equivalent – master: She got a good report from her German mistress. • a games mistress); директриса (a woman who is in charge of a school or other establishment; русское слово ныне перешло в разряд исключительно разговорного: Mrs. Goddard was the mistress of a school.)
games, obs. джек (obsolete) The jack in the game of bowls; также "китти" – маленький шар, служащий мишенью в игре в шары (игре в боулз): She took a bowl, drew up her skirt with her left hand, and rolled the weighted ball with a deft motion. It lightly kissed the mistress and stopped a few inches away. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, arch. жалечка; метреска; метресса; державица
Gruzovik, inf. хахальница (= хаха); полюбовница; хаха
Gruzovik, obs. боярыня; государыня
Gruzovik, slang маруха; моруха
mining., humor. шахтёрская лампочка; комбинезон; непромокаемый костюм для проходчиков
obs. мастерица (woman well skilled in anything, or having the mastery over it); искусница (woman well skilled in anything, or having the mastery over it); барыня (a woman who employs or supervises servants: The maid looked nervously at her mistress.); наперсница
poetic возлюбленная (a woman regarded with love and devotion; a sweetheart)
pomp. владычица (something personified as female that rules, directs, or dominates: France was master of the Continent, England mistress of the seas.); повелительница
sex госпожа (an often professional dominatrix: With each addition of pain or restraint, he stiffens slightly, then falls into a deeper calm, a deeper peace, waiting to obey his mistress.); доминатрикс (an often professional dominatrix)
mistress of the house ['mɪstrɪs] n
Gruzovik, dial. большуха
Mistress ['mɪstrɪs] n
energ.ind. Госпожа (обращение в корреспонденции, на официальных мероприятиях и др.)
official mistress ['mɪstrɪs] n
hist. фаворитка (of a king, prince Andrey Truhachev)
: 131 phrases in 15 subjects
Obsolete / dated2