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meat for the grinderstresses
idiom. пушечное мясо (an idiomatic expression that refers to people being carelessly sacrificed or exploited to further a larger goal. It evokes the imagery of people being metaphorically thrown into a meat grinder and ground up. It refers to expendable or disposable people who are exploited or sacrificed without regard for their dignity or welfare. It portrays people as objects to be consumed or squandered in service of some larger agenda: ...all they need is meat for the grinder • During times of war, soldiers often feel like they are seen as meat for the grinder by their leaders – just bodies to throw at the enemy regardless of casualties • The new manager treats employees like meat for the grinder – he works them to exhaustion without care for their wellbeing • Due to lack of proper safety regulations, construction workers back then were meat for the grinder – their health and lives were not valued Taras)