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comp. специализированная многоядерная архитектура (англ. термин взят из документа корпорации Cray Alex_Odeychuk)
IT многоядерный с ядрами общего и специального назначения (процессор кроме вычислительных ядер общего назначения обладает также ядрами специального назначения для решения различных классов задач: алгоритмы распознавания речи, графика, обработка коммуникационных протоколов Alex_Odeychuk); специализированный многоядерный (Manycore processors are specialist multi-core processors designed for a high degree of parallel processing, containing a large number of simpler, independent processor cores (e.g. 10s, 100s, or 1,000s). Manycore processors are used extensively in embedded computers and high-performance computing. Manycore processors are distinct from multi-core processors in that: they are optimised from the outset for a higher degree of explicit parallelism, and for higher throughput (or lower power consumption) at the expense of latency and lower single thread performance. The broader category of multi-core processors, by contrast are usually designed to efficiently run both parallel and serial code, and therefore place more emphasis on high single thread performance (e.g. devoting more silicon to out of order execution, deeper pipelines, more superscalar execution units, and larger, more general caches), and shared memory. These techniques devote runtime resources toward figuring out implicit parallelism in a single thread. They are used in systems where they have evolved continuously (with backward compatibility) from single core processors. They usually have a "few" cores (e.g. 2,4,8), and may be complemented by a manycore accelerator (such as a GPU) in a heterogeneous system. Alex_Odeychuk); массово-параллельный многоядерный (говоря о системах с большим количеством вычислительных ядер, от десятков до сотен или более; IBM Alex_Odeychuk)
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