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lost in translationstresses
gen. потеряно в переводе (Ivan Pisarev); утрачено в переводе (Ivan Pisarev); потери в переводе (Of a word or words, having lost or lacking the full subtlety of meaning or significance when translated from the original language to another, especially when done literally. (Usually formulated as "be/get lost in translation.") My friend tried explaining a few French idioms to me, but I'm afraid they were lost in translation. Online translation tools are pretty amazing, but a lot gets lost in translation this way. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
idiom. утрачено при переводе (Leonid Dzhepko)
Lost in translation
gen. головоломка ("Lost in translation" – название стихотворения одного из лучших поэтов Америки Джеймса Меррилла mrr71)
Lost in Translation
cinema Трудности перевода (Название к/ф в прокате. США, 2003. Буквальный перевод: "утрачено при переводе" Leonid Dzhepko)
 English thesaurus
lost in translation
chat., abbr. LIT
lose in translation
lost in translation
lost in translation
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects