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lieutenant colonelstresses
gen. подполковник (While often written as "Lt. Colonel" in orders and signature blocks, as a courtesy, lieutenant colonels are addressed simply as "colonel" verbally and in the salutation of correspondence. The U.S. Army uses the three letter abbreviation "LTC." The United States Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force use the abbreviations "LtCol" and "Lt Col" (note the space) respectively.)
Gruzovik, hist. премьер-майор; войсковой старшина́ (of Cossack troops)
Gruzovik, obs. полуполковник (= подполковник)
hist. войсковой старшина (of Cossack troops); полуголова (Alex_Odeychuk); пятисотенный голова (Alex_Odeychuk)
mil. п / п-к (сокр. от "подполковник")
torped. подполковник
Lieutenant-Colonel [lefˈtenənt-ˈkə:nl]
mil., BrE заместитель командира полка (Commanding)
lieutenant-colonel [lefˈtenənt-ˈkə:nl]
gen. подполковник
 English thesaurus
lieutenant colonel
abbr., mil., lingo bottlecap colonel (Pickman)
Lieutenant Colonel
abbr. Lieut Col; Lt Col
Lieutenant-Colonel [lefˈtenənt-ˈkə:nl]
abbr., scottish Lt-Col
lieutenant -colonel: 7 phrases in 5 subjects