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legal aid ['li:g(ə)l'eɪd]stresses
gen. бесплатная защита в суде; бесплатный адвокат (4uzhoj); бесплатная юридическая помощь неимущим (Legal Aid / Public Funding: State funded assistance, for those on low incomes, to cover legal fees. LT Alexander Demidov); правовая помощь на льготных условиях (Legal aid is the provision of assistance to people otherwise unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. Legal aid is regarded as central in providing access to justice by ensuring equality before the law, the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial. This article describes the development of legal aid and its principles, primarily as known in Europe, the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States. WK Alexander Demidov); бесплатная правовая помощь (assistance to litigants that they might be able to avail themselves of the usually expensive legal process. In the UK, various schemes have existed from time to time, usually inspired by the legal profession's acceptance of a duty to do work for the less fortunate. There are three main forms of legal aid operated by the Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB): (1) advice and assistance (the pink form scheme), which, subject to the means of the applicant, allows the solicitor to give legal advice. On some specified occasions, court appearances may be possible under the scheme called ABWOR – assistance by way of representation; (2) civil legal aid, which allows a court action to be raised or defended. Means are assessed, and the SLAB must be satisfied that the case has merit. As well as allowing the litigant legal services (perhaps subject to a contribution) a legal aid certificate can allow the court to reduce or waive the legal expenses normally payable by a losing litigant; (3) criminal legal aid is available for the defence of criminal charges. CDL Alexander Demidov)
busin. правовая помощь
econ. юридическая консультация
law юридическая помощь; юридическая помощь, субсидируемая государством (Alexapa); консультация
poor person's legal aid ['li:g(ə)l'eɪd]
patents. право бедности; освобождение от внесения судебных расходов по недостаточности материальных средств
 English thesaurus
legal aid ['li:g(ə)l'eɪd]
law professional legal services available usually to persons or organizations unable to afford such services
legal aid
: 47 phrases in 9 subjects
Non-governmental organizations5