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to phrases
latent defectstresses
busin. скрытый недочёт
law скрытый недостаток; скрытый порок; скрытый дефект
med. латентный дефект; дефект
mil., avia. скрытое повреждение
wood. невидимый порок
latent defects
gen. скрытые дефекты (a defect or problem with a product, property, etc. that is hard to notice and may not be noticed before it is bought: "When buying real estate, a cracked foundation is a serious latent defect that should be avoided. CBED. Latent Defects in Products: A latent defect is a flaw, weakness or imperfection in a product or good that the buyer cannot discover by reasonable inspection. The buyer's rights for a latent defect will depend upon the circumstances. | A Latent Defect is a problem that cannot be discovered by reasonable inspection, for example: problems with foundations which may not become apparent for several years after completion. When a latent defect becomes apparent, it becomes patent rather than latent. c-r-l.com Alexander Demidov)
logist. скрытые дефекты изделия
notar. скрытые недостатки
latent defects: 3 phrases in 2 subjects